Tick ​​remedies for humans: ranking of the best drugs

tick remedies for humans
Tick ​​remedies for humans

Hello! I talked yesterday with my niece on the phone. She was very pleased with the upcoming weekend.

They organize a tourist rally from the school. With accommodation in the forest, in tents, with songs by the fire. Everything is as it should be.

I took this opportunity to tell her about the danger of a tick bite and advised her on ways to avoid this. Want to learn about the best tick remedies for humans that will help get rid of this unpleasant threat? Now I will describe all this in detail in the article below.

A tick remedy for humans - which is better for controlling parasites?

A tick is a carrier of numerous dangerous infections transmitted through the blood when an insect is parasitized on the human and animal body. In this case, the most terrible consequences await infected with encephalitis, borreliosis, tularemia and Lyme disease.

However, do not deny yourself the pleasure of relaxing in nature or throwing a picnic out of fear of being bitten by harmful arthropods, because now on sale you can find a large assortment of effective products that promise to protect against the parasite.

To effectively combat parasites, you need to know what ticks are afraid of. The most effective way to combat today is considered to be the treatment of the territory through special means, which are liquid or granular chemicals.

There are a fairly large number of means that can protect a person from ticks and they are all divided into home, folk, medical and chemical. Each of these drugs acts in a special way, in connection with this, all options for controlling parasites are usually divided into three large groups.


Acaricides paralyze the nervous system of the parasite, as a result of which the extremities of the tick become numb, and it is separated from its location. This remedy is toxic, therefore, it is not recommended for use in children. Even adults apply acaricide only on clothing and when it is not on the body.

These drugs are available in the form of crayons and aerosols. Having processed the outerwear last, you need to wait time until it is completely dry and only after that you can put it on yourself. Processed items retain their protective properties for 14 days.

The following funds belong to this group:

  1. Tornado-antic tick;
  2. Gardeks anti-mite;
  3. Reftamide taiga;
  4. Picnic anticompeter;
  5. Pretix bar;
  6. Ram;
  7. Breeze;
  8. Tsifoks.

Repellent preparations

Repellents are used for one purpose - to scare away parasites. They are applied to the skin, paying particular attention to the delicate areas that mites most often choose, namely the armpits, the inside of the knees, armpits and ankles.

Repellent preparations for children are applied on less frequently and with difficulty viewing places and folds on clothes.

Of course, tick repellents are not a 100% guarantee of safety for humans, but they can significantly reduce the chances of an arthropod to reach its most attractive places. Processed items retain protective properties for 4-6 days.

The most popular repellents include:

  • Off! Extreme
  • Reftamid Maximum;
  • Medellis;
  • Moskitol Spray or aerosol;
  • Gardex extreme;
  • Spray DEFI-Taiga;
  • Biban;

Insecticidal repellent

This is a universal and at the same time reliable tool, which is especially popular among people leading a predominantly active lifestyle. Most believe that this is the most effective tool, because it not only scares off, but also paralyzes the parasite.

These drugs help fight not only ticks, they are also effective against mosquitoes and other blood-sucking insects. These products are available in various forms and are used exclusively for processing clothing. This group of drugs includes:

  • Iedilis comfort;
  • Mosquitol Spray;
  • Mite kaput.

Which remedy is best for children?

Repellents are chemicals that, when used appropriately, can protect a baby from arthropods. You can not use them on children under 3 years old, since they contain toxins that are dangerous for the child's body.

Also, you can not apply repellents to the skin of a child. Effective drugs that faithfully perform their functions are applied exclusively to clothing. You need to buy repellents in pharmacies, in any other place you can easily run into a fake.

The most popular tick repellents for children are:

  • Off! extreme;
  • Biban;
  • DEFI-Taiga;
  • Moskitol anti-mite.

All things that will be dressed in nature, must be pre-treated with drugs and hung out on the street for complete drying. It is important to remember that all tick-borne drugs have a limited duration, after which it is necessary to re-process

In wet weather, the duration of the repellent is reduced, in some situations, the drug may not be effective enough. For example, parasites can attract the smell of baby cream or the baby’s body. Therefore, children in nature need to be inspected every 15-20 minutes.

Effective folk remedies

Often in the role of folk remedies are aromatic essential oils. They are used to protect babies, but you must make sure that the child does not have allergies to them.

Mite control is also possible with rosemary, eucalyptus, cloves and peppermint oil. Their strong odors scare away ticks. These oils can be applied either one at a time or using various combinations, mixing a few drops of different ingredients.

Vital areas of the skin, as well as the edges of clothing, are treated with essential oil or a mixture. This procedure requires a repeat after 1.5-2 hours.

Parasite Protection Measures

You can cite as an example many other folk remedies for parasite protection, a recipe, and even more than one, but the most effective way is to try not to pick up an arthropod.

Therefore, every villager, especially those who like to wander in the forest, know how to protect themselves from a tick bite. This information will be useful to urban residents vacationing in nature:

  1. For a picnic, it is better to choose coniferous forests. They are not only rich in volatile, but also completely eliminates the possibility of catching the parasite.In deciduous and mixed forests, one should choose dry and sunlit glades located far from shrubs, thickets, swamps and tall grass.
  2. Leisure clothing should be suitable. All sorts of T-shirts, shorts, open flip flops and sandals are best left for another occasion, you need to wear a tracksuit with a zipper with long pants and sleeves, sneakers or sneakers, high socks and a headdress like a scarf or hood with an elastic band.
  3. According to statistics, blood-sucking parasites most often choose places in the groin, abdomen, armpits, thighs, on the neck and behind the ears. So these areas should be covered more carefully. In adults, mites are more often found on the feet, and in children - on the head, but this does not mean that other places on the skin can be left unprotected from bites.
  4. It is better to pre-soak clothes with repellents, as well as apply the drug to the hands and open areas of the body. Remedies for ticks dissolve in water, which means after bathing, in wet weather and at regular intervals, the procedure for applying repellents should be repeated.
  5. Before using these or other means it is necessary to read the instructions and clearly follow their instructions.
  6. Today, special “encephalitic” suits are on sale, which are an elastic protective jumpsuit with cuffs stretching on the arms and legs, a hood, and often with a mesh for the face. Ordinary tourists, in order to save money, can make a protective suit out of personal clothing.
  7. Returning home from the forest, you must completely undress and check your body for the presence of a parasite that has not yet had time to stick to the skin in order to get rid of it in advance and prevent a bite. Then take a shower, and shake clothes and wash in hot water.
  8. When you see a tick in a house, you must immediately crush it with something hard, it is important to make sure that the parasite is destroyed, because it is not so easy to neutralize the tick because of the hard shell. Wildflowers should also be inspected to prevent the bloodsucking parasite from entering the house.
  9. It will also be useful to go to a clinic where doctors will vaccinate against encephalitis, which will protect against a terrible disease. However, the vaccine will not protect against ticks. Therefore, all safety rules are still valid.
  10. If it was not possible to protect oneself from the tick, then you need to urgently consult a specialist to remove the parasite and introduce a dose of immunoglobulin if necessary.


Alexey Karpov: I use the Reftamide repellent, it’s enough for about a day. I put it directly on encephalitis, the preparation is very scapular, but effective, it repels insects well.

Dmitry Volodin: Yodantiprine once saved both me and fishing. This tool is safer and more effective than vaccine and immunoglobulin. It’s good that I took it with me, and I would have to urgently return home.

Victor Isakov: It’s better, of course, to always use repellents, but if you still catch a parasite, then take Yodantiprine and urgently call an ambulance to receive a dose of immunoglobulin.

Is there a reliable tick remedy?

Walking in the forest for mushrooms and berries can result in hospitalization or even death. The culprits are the ticks. Reliable tick control protects against bites and subsequent infection with encephalitis, Lyme disease, fever and other dangerous diseases.

Often these diseases are diagnosed at a late stage, when the infection has completely taken over the body. Even adults find it difficult to recover, and children still have complications such as cramps, paralysis, and spontaneous twitches in different parts of the body.

How can a man protect himself in nature? What to do to prevent a tick bite? What tool to choose?

Which exist?

Preparations against arthropods are divided into several types:

  • Repellent. They are designed to repel these insects.Although some of the repellents also repel mosquitoes, flies, midges, horseflies and other bloodsuckers.
  • Acaricidal. They have a paralyzing effect on arachnids, a little later the insect dies.
  • Combined means combining the effects of repellent and insecticide.

Acaricides - Deadly Mites

As part of these preparations, there is a substance called alfamethrin, which has a nerve-paralytic effect on arthropods. If it gets on clothes treated with acaricide, the tick paralyzes, and then it falls down.

Researches of scientists have shown that alfamethrin begins to act in 5 minutes. During this time, the insect has increased activity, so it is quite capable of biting if it reaches bare skin.

The following acaricidal aerosols are on sale: gardex - an anti-mite, aerosol and spray from ticks of the Gardex extreme series, enhanced taiga reptile, picnic anti-mite, torno-anti-mite, selenium taiga-anti-mite, fumitox-anti-mite, etc.

They are applied in advance to clothes hanging on a hanger, and then dried for several hours. The effect lasts about 2 weeks if the clothes are stored in a bag.

There is an acaricidal pretix pencil. They draw shingles from ticks on clothes. During the campaign, you will often need to update the bands, as the product easily crumbles.

It is noted that the chemical substance permethrin kills ticks faster than alfamethrin, therefore it is considered more effective. It can be found in the aerosol spray Permanon for application to clothing. Conveniently, it is equally destructive for other arthropods: mosquitoes, spiders, and others.


The most common remedy is diethyltoluamide (DETA). It does not kill insects, but they strongly dislike it. Once on skin or clothing treated with a repellent, arthropods and mosquitoes want to leave this tasteless object.

Diethyltoluamide is not harmful to the skin, so it is applied not only to clothing, but also to exposed skin (hands, neck, ankles and face), that is, those parts of the body that are not protected by clothing.

Manufacturers claim that the protective agent is valid for 5 days after application. Wind, heat, sweat and rain shorten the duration of the repellent on clothes.

Diethyltoluamide-containing repellents include biban, OFF! extreme from mosquitoes and ticks, aerosol gardeks extreme extreme, aerosol gardeks extreme from all flying blood-sucking insects and ticks, DEFI-taiga, death-VOKO, aerosol reftamid maximum 3 in 1 from mosquitoes and ticks, gal-RET-cl, gal-RET .

They act on mosquitoes and ticks, as well as other blood-sucking insects that annoy humans in nature. Many drugs are available not only in the form of a spray, but also a cream, emulsion, lotion.

For children under the age of 12, special children's products with a low content of repellent (dimethyl phthalate and diethyl toluamide) are needed. It can be phthalar creams, OFF! Kids, efkalat, camarante and biban gel, a Gardex aerosol from ticks and mosquitoes on clothes from the yellow Gardex Baby series.

Moskitol produces a spray and milk for mosquitoes for children under three years of age (gentle protection for children while walking), containing 7.5% DETA and the same name with repellent IR3535 10%. However, they do not have special children's drugs for ticks.

There are universal solutions for ticks for people and the local area. If you want to ensure a quiet holiday for your family in a summer cottage, you can do a full cultivation of the land with a concentrate of medilis zipper and cypermethrin. Mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, bugs, midges, mosquitoes, horseflies and other insects will fly around your dacha for a month.

Spraying can be done at night, as you can’t walk around the area for 8 hours. The dilution solution is also suitable for processing outerwear. Protection lasts 12-15 days.

Combined funds

Means have been developed that combine the repelling properties of repellents and the killing qualities of acaricides. It is forbidden to apply these preparations to the skin, they only process clothes, and then wait until they dry completely. It is better to put a jacket and trousers for a walk in the woods on the ground, so as not to inhale a dangerous product yourself.

Read the instructions carefully, because your safety depends on this. Clothing treated with such preparations protects against insects for two weeks, but repels only 3-5 days.

These are medilis-COMFORT, krapp, spray and mosquitol aerosol protection against ticks in the wild (DETA in combination with alfacipermetrin). Mosquitol spray from ticks contains 2 times more DEDA than aerosol.

There are drugs with other components, for example, extremex gardex (permethrin with alfacipermetrin), anticompic picnic (imiprotrin in combination with alfacipermetrin), mosquito-antimite (diethitoluamide + alfamethrin), tornado-antimite (pyrethroid + dimethylphthalate).

When using products containing alfacipermetrin, it must be borne in mind that it can spoil the plastic parts of clothing (buttons, buckles, buttons, etc.) and inserts made of synthetic materials. For this reason, the jacket and pants for a walk in the forest must be sewn from cotton fabric.

After handling or returning from a camping trip, the dried clothing set should be stored in a plastic bag. Already soaked outfits for hiking are produced. Such clothes have some features - the cuffs of the jacket and the bottom of the trousers are pulled together with elastic so that the ticks could not creep under the clothes.

The jacket is equipped with a hood and zipper to prevent arthropod attacks. For clothes, high-quality dense cotton fabric is used, which does not deteriorate under the influence of tick preparations.

Remember that in the DETA tick repellent agent, n, n-diethyltoluamide must be present in an amount of at least 30%. At a lower concentration, it helps against mosquitoes, flies and other insects, but not from ticks.

For example, Gardex Extreme Super aerosol and mosquitol spray and aerosol against midges and midges professional protection in the wild, as well as mosquitol professional protection in the wild, contains about 50% DETA - this is the best protection against ticks, a mosquito repellent.

Less effective, but effective mosquitol aerosol spray and mosquito repellent spray is an asset, mosquitosis and repellent aerosol Gardex Extreme (in addition to 27% DETA, there are amplifiers of repellent effect MGK-264 and MGK-326).

Remedies for insects with a low DETA content will not protect babies from tick bites.

Folk remedies for ticks with aromatic oils (geranium, lavender, nira and others) may help against mosquitoes, but they do not scare away ticks.

Naturally, preparations applied to clothes or a cream with repellent on hands can cause an allergic reaction in a child or in a person with sensitive skin. After a bad experience with one remedy, try another one next time.

As you can see, protection against ticks has its own characteristics, so even the best mosquito repellent will not protect against these dangerous bloodsuckers.

Not all companies producing insecticides from crawling and flying insects produce special anti-tick products. The largest range of tick drugs among foreign companies is the Mosquitall brand (Moskitol). Russian manufacturers also excelled. Fortunately, there are many possibilities for field trials.

Tick ​​Remedies

All commercially available products, depending on the active substance, are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Repellent - repel ticks.
  2. Acaricidal - they kill.
  3. Insecticidal-repellent - drugs of combined action, that is, killing and repelling ticks.


Repellents include products containing diethyltoluamide: MEDILIS from mosquitoes, Biban, Gall-RET, Gal-RET-kl, DETA-VOKKO, DEFI-Taiga, Ultrathon lotions and aerosols ™ "," Off! Extreme ”,“ Reftamid maximum ”. They are applied to clothing and exposed areas of the body in the form of circular stripes around the knees, ankles and chest.

The tick, avoiding contact with the repellent, begins to crawl in the opposite direction. The advantage of deterrents is that they are also used to protect against sinuses, applying not only to clothing, but also to the skin. Drugs that are more dangerous for ticks cannot be applied to the skin.

To protect children, drugs with less toxic components have been developed - this is the MEDILISIK aerosol for children from mosquitoes, the Ftalar and Efkalat creams, “Off-child” and “Biban-gel”, colognes “Pihtal”, “Evital”, and the product "Kamearant".


In acaricides, the active substance is alpha-metrine insectoacaricide (alpha-pericamethrin), which has a nerve-paralytic effect on ticks. When mites come into contact with treated clothing, paralysis of the extremities occurs and they disappear from the clothing.

These products are intended only for the treatment of clothing due to toxicological indicators, they can not be applied to human skin.

The main form of application: aerosol packaging containing propellant, and with a mechanical spray (non-propellant packaging - BAU). These are “Reftamide taiga”, “Picnic-Antikleshch”, “Gardeks aerosol extreme”, “Tornado-antikleshch”, “Fumitoks-antikleshch”, “Gardeks-antikleshch” and others. Currently, about 30 such drugs have been registered (see the magazine “Disinfection Business” 2010, No. 2. p. 36-41).

The exception is acaricidal bar Pretix. They draw a few belt bands on trousers and jackets before going to the forest. It is only necessary to monitor their safety.

“Pretix” can be bought as part of a specially produced kit for protection against tick attacks and first aid when they are sucked “AntiKlash Module”.

It is impossible to carry out processing with the help of means in aerosol containers of clothing worn on people.

The clothes are laid out, processed and, after it dries, put on. The protective properties of clothing treated with acaricidal substance are stored up to 14 days.

Insecticidal repellents

Insecticidal-repellent preparations combine the properties of both repellent and acaricidal agents - they contain 2 active substances: diethyltoluamide and alfamethrin, therefore they protect against ticks and blood-sucking flying insects (“gnosa” complex).

Insecticidal and repellent products are available in aerosol containers: Medilis Comfort, Kra-Rep, Moskitol Spray Special Protection against Ticks, GardeksExtreme Aerosol from Ticks, and Mite Caput Aerosol. As well as acaricidal, insecticidal-repellent agents are applied only to clothing.

General recommendations for the use of chemical protective equipment

You can reliably protect yourself from tick bites only by “dressing properly” and carefully treating your clothes with a chemical protective agent. When choosing a means of protection against ticks, it is better to give preference to acaricidal or insecticidal-repellent agents.

Funds should be applied to clothing in circular bands; clothing should be especially carefully processed around the ankles, knees, hips, waist, as well as cuffs of sleeves and a collar.

When using one or another tool, be sure to read the instructions and follow its instructions. Do not forget to reapply the drug after the time indicated on the package.

It must be remembered that rain, wind, heat, sweat, etc. reduce the duration of any chemical protective agent.

Encephalitic suit BioStop®

Leading Russian entomological scientists have developed a special “BioStop® Anti-Encephalitis Suit”.Today, thanks to the combination of the mechanical and chemical principle of protection, this suit is the most effective tool against ticks.

Special shuttlecocks located on the suit act as traps for ticks crawling up. Inside the shuttle is an insert soaked with a deadly tick acaricidal substance. Under its action, the tick dies within a few minutes and falls off the clothes.

According to the conclusion of the Research Institute of Disinfectology of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, the suit has a protection factor of 100% and "significantly exceeds all known domestic and foreign samples in efficiency." Thus, using the “BioStop® Anti-Encephalitis Suits”, there is no need to use repellents and conduct frequent inspections of clothing.

Territory Processing

The following insecticide and acaricidal agents are allowed for the treatment of ticks in Russia: Medilis-Ziper, Taran, Samarovka-insecticide, Breeze, Akaritoks, Alfatrin, Actor, Akarotsid, Tsipertrin, Yuraks, Akarifen, Bayteks 40% SP, etc. .

Where can I buy?

Recently, cases of falsification of chemical protective equipment have become more frequent, so try to buy them at retail outlets with a good reputation. When purchasing, request to show a hygiene certificate. Instructions in Russian must be attached to imported drugs.

The most effective tick control products

At present, the usual trip to the forest for mushrooms or for recreation, has become quite unsafe. This is due to the notorious tick - a small and almost invisible arthropod, the bite of which threatens a person with the most negative consequences. How to avoid this and what is the most effective anti-tick remedy? Let's try to figure it out.

What is a tick bite dangerous?

The bite of such an arachnid in itself does not cause pain, and therefore it is far from immediately that a person can notice a tick sticking to the skin. The danger of a bite lies in the fact that a tick can be a carrier of very dangerous infections, such as encephalitis (inflammation of the brain), tick-borne paralysis, typhus, and Lyme disease (a disease that affects the nervous and musculoskeletal system).

According to the list of these ailments, one can imagine what consequences a tick bite leads to if it is not prevented or timely assistance is provided to a bitten patient.

To date, all the means to combat these arthropods are divided into three types: repellent (aiming to scare arachnids), acaricidal (paralyze and kill ticks), as well as insecticidal-repellent drugs (a combination of repelling and paralyzing effects on ticks). Let's consider them separately.

Acaricidal preparations

These drugs have in their composition such a substance as alfamethrin, which has a very effective nerve agent effect. That is, only the tick gets on clothes that were previously treated with one of these tools, its limbs are paralyzed, and then completely disappear.

Given the toxic effects of drugs of this kind, they can not be sprayed on clothing that is worn on a person. That is, it must be removed, treated with the drug and allowed to dry for several hours. In this case, the processed clothes will be reliable protection from the tick for two weeks.

The funds of this group should include: Tafta reftamide, Gardeks-antileasch, Tornado-antileasch, as well as Acaricidal Pretix bar, which need to draw barriers on clothes.

Repellent preparations

The basis of repellents contains the diethyltoluamide component. This substance, of course, will not kill the arthropod, however, having felt its smell, the tick strives to quickly leave the person’s clothes. The peculiarity of such drugs is that they can be applied not only to clothing, but also to human skin, because they are harmless to the body.

Repellents must be treated with all clothing, especially around the wrists, ankles and collar. It should be noted that the effect of the application will last at least five days.

The most popular repellents include: Biban, Off! Extreme, DEFI-Taiga, Raftamid maximum, DETA-VOKO or MEDILIS from mosquitoes.

By the way, for children under 12 years old, manufacturers produce repellents with a low content of toxic substances. These are drugs: Biban-gel, Kamaarant, Evital or Off-child.

Insecticidal-repellent agents

The group of these anti-mite drugs includes drugs based on two active ingredients: diethyl toluamide, as well as alpha-metrine. They are recommended for effective protection against ticks and any other bloodsucking.

Given the high toxicity, such a tick remedy is applied exclusively to clothing. This group includes drugs: Mite-Kaput Aerosol, Moskitol-Spray and Gardeks-Extreme Aerosol.

Tick ​​Remedies Rating

Previously, ticks only threatened the inhabitants of Siberia and the Urals, but in recent years they have appeared in the Middle Strip and in the North-West region of Russia. A tick can be found even in a city park. It is best to do without tick bites altogether. To do this, for a picnic or a walk, you need to take protection from ticks for a person.

But which one to choose? There are three groups of tick-borne aerosols:

  1. Repellent aerosols - tick repellent odor; ticks dislike this smell and do not cling to clothing;
  2. Acaricidal aerosols - paralyzing, killing ticks;
  3. Mixed repellent and acaricidal are both repelling and poisonous.

How to distinguish?

On the spray, the manufacturer reports whether it is a repellent or an acacidic and necessarily indicates the active substance.

Pay attention to the active substance. In repellent aerosols (deterrents), the active substance may be icaridine (KBR 3023) or diethyltoluamide (or DETA).

In acaricidal sprays, the active substance is most often alphacipermetrin or alfamethrin, and it is with these active substances that I recommend choosing an acaricidal aerosol. This is a poison that paralyzes the tick and it just detaches from the clothes. But here, too, it all depends on the concentration, the best option is 0.2-0.25%.

Features of repellent aerosols

I remind you that tick repellent for humans is a repelling substance, a tick does not kill. Despite the fact that some manufacturers or specialists sometimes recommend applying these products to the skin, absolutely never do this.

Firstly, it is always chemicals that are absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream that can cause poisoning and severe allergic reactions.

Secondly, remember - there are no such aerosols and creams that can protect against ticks when applied to the skin. If the tick has already got from the clothes onto the skin and feels the proximity of blood vessels, then its suction rate is so high that the toxic substances do not have time to prevent a bite.

To the question which tick repellents are better, I’ll answer that all repellent aerosols are ineffective, they quickly disappear. This is especially true for icaridine-based aerosols (KBR 3023), its protection lasts for an hour, a maximum of two. Diethyltoluamide (DETA) aerosols protect for longer, 3-4 hours.

With a longer stay in the hearth, repeated treatments are needed, but you can’t work on yourself so as not to inhale chemicals, you need to take off your clothes, which is impossible in forest conditions. For effective protection against ticks, do not use repellents, but acaricidal aerosols.

Features of acaricidal drugs

Acaricidal preparations from ticks are poisonous ticks and significantly more effective agents that provide long-term protection. But the active substances in such products are highly toxic and, when processing their clothes, protective measures must be observed, which I will discuss below.

Acaricidal tick mites have a maximum of 20 minutes to paralyze ticks. The fact is that ticks are slow insects. They sit on a person and for a long time choose a place to dig into.

It usually takes from 20 minutes to an hour. If the product does not poison the tick quickly enough, it is ineffective.

Which are more effective?

How to treat clothing from ticks? The study was conducted by employees of the Gorno-Altai Rospotrebnadzor. 8 cans of acaricidal aerosols were bought - Reftamid, Gardeks, DETA, Taiga, Moskitol, Tornado, Komaroff and Tarol.

All funds work in approximately the same way - they do not scare away ticks, but kill them. Eight signed sheets of paper were each treated with one agent, dried and ticks placed on them.

Three tools did their job before 10 minutes. The first group of drugs showed good efficacy. These are Gardeks, DETA and Taiga.

The next group of drugs Reftamide, Moskitol and Komaroff had somewhat worse properties. The death of arthropods occurred at 18 minutes.

Aerosols Tornado and Tarol took the last places and were not effective enough. Until they begin to act, the ticks already have time to stick to the skin. Moreover, the worst tool in the tests was Tarol.

Tick-borne acaricidal aerosol rating

According to experts from Rospotrebnadzor, Gardeks, DETA and Taiga turned out to be the best and equally effective. The worst, almost ineffective - Tornado and Tarol.

I studied user reviews about tick mites for people. Users do not recommend mixed aerosols; they contain both a deterrent and a killing active substance in half concentration, which reduces both actions.

It is also not recommended to use a combined means of simultaneous action against mosquitoes, midges and ticks, considering that the active anti-mite agent in them is contained in insufficient concentration. It is not recommended to use repellent aerosols, since they quickly erode, their duration is much shorter than that of acaricidal aerosols.

The vast majority use and believe that the best spray for ticks is Reftamid-Antiklesh, but the drug’s validity period indicated on the spray for 15 days is considered unjustified and it is recommended to re-treat the clothes before leaving the center.

Good reviews on the Klesch-Kaput aerosol and Breeze-Antiklesh aerosol. On clothes treated with Breeze-Anticlesch spray, the tick loses its ability to move and disappears after 1 minute. After 5 hours after treatment, the tick disappears after 3 minutes, and after a day - after 4 minutes.

Follow the conditions for using acaricidal aerosols. Do not treat a suit with a synthetic fiber with an acaricidal or repellent aerosol, not because it will work worse, just chemicals can ruin such a suit.

  • Before applying the spray, be sure to shake the can 3-5 times.
  • Only handle clothing outdoors. Remember that the active substances of acaricidal aerosols are toxic. Categorically it is impossible to carry out processing on a person.
  • The jet must be directed in the direction of the wind, and the processed clothing should be kept at a distance of 20-25 cm from the outstretched arm with a spray can.
  • It is necessary to apply at least 20 g of the product per 1 sq. M of clothing until slightly moistened.
  • Then the clothes must be dried for at least 2 hours and put on underwear.

Under the influence of acaricidal preparations from ticks, they do not die immediately. The concentration of the substance is selected so that the person does not have chemical burns. Some manufacturers do not add funds to spray cans. Determine the fullness of the spray can by lightly shaking it in your hands.

Useful tip from user. If you go on a long trip and there is no way to collect a lot of bottles, you can save money. How? Since ticks live in the grass, do not live on trees and do not fall from above, you can apply the product only on your pants.

The main places of penetration of the tick - either through the fly or through the belt, then it is more difficult for him to find a place, it must crawl through the entire top. To save money, it is enough to apply it from the knee to the waist. Then the can is long enough.

Before the trip, treat the outer clothing, then fold it, put it in a bag for a day, where it is soaked in the product. Acaricidal tick repellents last a long time, do not weather, like a combination remedy or tick repellent aerosols for people who disappear in a few hours.

Under the processed suit should be underwear, it should not be worn on a naked body. With this treatment, 2 cans are enough for 2 months of long hike.

Folk remedies

Simple and free, from improvised means:

  • One clove of garlic eaten is enough for a day so that ticks do not bite, they do not like the smell of human sweat with garlic. You can use garlic oil, garlic water.
  • Collect Ivan tea (fireweed, placun) in a plastic bag, take it so that the juice stands out. Cut, preheat in the oven to the color of tea leaves, do not burn. Dry even better in the sun. And drink like tea. You can brew and raw, you can eat as a salad. Repels ticks.
  • The tick does not like the smell of lavender oil, geranium oil.
  • The tick does not like pungent odors - gasoline, kerosene, tar. Tar oil - grate, put in pockets. Birch tar is sold in a pharmacy.
  • Herbalist Mikhail Fadeev recommends black root (black carrot), the smell of which resembles the smell of rhubarb, to brew spray clothes. Decoction of onion peel, decoction of black elderberry - leaf and color, too, for spraying. Consume milk thistle spotted.
  • A very good remedy is formic acid. Put an ordinary scarf on an anthill and then wipe it off.
  • To protect dogs, 100 g of vodka + 2 g of vanillin (not vanilla sugar) insist 7-10 days. Spray the dog's limbs, stomach and withers. The tick simply does not sit, does not cling.

Do it yourself with ticks yourself

In the press, terrible statistics pop up every now and then about how many people have already suffered from a tick bite this season. How to find an effective tick remedy for people? We offer to try to do it yourself.

Ticks are carriers of diseases that can even be deadly.

Among these troubles are tick-borne encephalitis (especially in the regions of the Urals and Siberia), Lyme disease (borreliosis), as well as some pet diseases, for example, pyroplasmosis in dogs.

Important Tips

After each walk in the forest or park, carefully examine yourself and your pets. Also, it is worth doing in the country. The tick does not stick at once, as a rule, it crawls through the body in search of a suitable place for several hours. Therefore, regular examinations are the best way to prevent tick bites for people.

These insects are especially active at the beginning and at the end of the season (that is, in April-May and September-October). In these months, try to walk less often in the grass, especially thick and tall. Also avoid dry grass. It is likely to get a bite while harvesting dry grass in the country.

Try to wear high shoes, and on forest walks, fill your pants in socks.

If you still suffer from a bite, remove the insect with a thread or special tweezers. Contact the laboratory as soon as possible to examine the tick, exclude the possibility of serious diseases and, if necessary, immediately begin treatment.

Folk remedies

To protect yourself and your loved ones, you can use ready-made repellents from the store. And you can create an effective deterrent with your own hands.

You will need:

  • Table vinegar 2 cups
  • Water 1 cup
  • Eucalyptus essential oil 10 drops
  • Citrus essential oil 10 drops

Combine all ingredients and place in a spray bottle. Spray clothing and shoes before going outdoors.Pay special attention to the cuffs, collar, and the area around the ankles.

You can also use repellent to protect the outside of the tent, backpack, and sleeping bag.

Every 3 days, the protection should be updated, applying the product again.

How to make the right choice?

The problem is that the symptoms of a tick bite are not very pronounced, so you can simply not notice it. Not every insect is infected, but you need to protect yourself. How to choose the most effective remedy for people from ticks?

All tick drugs are divided into several types, and, of course, each has both advantages and disadvantages.


Repellents are needed to scare away insects. They can be produced in the form of sprays, gels, ointments and creams and their main task is to prevent the insect from sitting on a person, and if it sits, the smell will simply not allow it to settle on the human skin.

In the world of animals and insects, you can protect yourself only by showing that you are a danger, so repellent is very effective.

The basis for sprays and their effect is diethyltoluamide, aka DETA, which, incidentally, has a slight insecticidal effect. However, this is not so important - all creams and aerosols of this type release impurities into the air that scare away the bloodsuckers: upon hearing an unpleasant odor, parasites fly away to hell.

Tick ​​repellent is a substance with low toxicity. Therefore, it can be used for children over three years of age and applied not only to clothing, but also to the body: the fact is that arthropods like to land on the chest, armpits and back of a person. Do not forget to handle all the folds of clothing well. By the way, clothes should be tight fitting and with hard elastic bands.

According to numerous reviews, this insect repellent copes with its tasks and arthropods are really afraid of it. True, he also has drawbacks. So, the repellent is easily washed off with water, so if during the forest walk you catch rain, its effect will come to naught.

In addition, it is still toxic, because the concentration of DETA in an effective gel or cream should be at least 30%. And yet, the repellent lasts no more than five hours, so if the trip is delayed, do not forget to reuse the spray.

The most popular in this category are Off! Extreme, DEFI-taiga, Biban, Deta-VOKO, Raftamid maximum, etc. There are also adaptations for children: Off-child, Evitan, Biban-gel. Their toxicity is even lower.


They act more severely: first the parasite breaks paralysis, and then it dies. Here are just acaricidal agents for ticks very, very toxic: the basis for them is a substance such as alpha-cypermethrin, so such an effective and necessary tool for combating ticks can be very dangerous.

Acaricides are applied only to clothing, trying to avoid getting them on the skin as much as possible. Therefore, before going to the forest, clothes should be laid out on the floor or on the bed and treated with acaricide. You can only wear it after the clothes have dried. The substance is valid for about two weeks or until the first wash.

They are released in the form of crayons or aerosols. Their plus is that they act even after a tick bite, preventing it from gaining a foothold. However, if the arachnid gets on unprotected skin, then there will be no effect.

Another disadvantage of such drugs is that they can not be used by children. It is necessary to process clothes very carefully, revealing all its folds. To acaricidal drugs include: Taiga reftamide, Tornado-anticompetum, Gardeks-anticomputer and Pretix crayon, which stripes are drawn on clothes.

Insecticide repellents

These are just complex drugs, which include both alpha-cypermethrin and DETA. Their main advantage is that they incorporate the advantages of repellents and acaricides: arthropods are afraid of the smell, and if they overcome their fear, they will still die the death of the brave.

However, they also took cons from both groups: they are very toxic and are easily washed off with water, moreover, they act for no more than four hours and are not recommended for children. But such sprays and creams also protect against other forest pests: mosquitoes, midges and bedbugs should not be afraid of them either.

This category includes Moskitol-Spray, Gardeks-Extreme aerosol, Kaput mite aerosol, Kra-rep, Fumitoks-antiklesch and many others.

But you should not rely only on gel or spray: before going to the forest or park, dress so that the parasite does not have the opportunity to get on naked skin, and after the trip, examine the skin carefully.

Give preference to things with elastic bands and cover your head. And the right choice of a remedy for dangerous ticks can help people who spend a lot of time in a forest, garden or park - special equipment, such as anti-encephalitis suits.

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