Dust mite: how to get rid of at home, 14 ways to do it without the use of chemicals

Dust mite how to get rid of at home
Dust mite how to get rid of at home

Hello! It is not surprising that in modern life we ​​often do not have enough time for normal cleaning: they dusted off the dust, vacuumed the floor and ran on.

However, wet cleaning is a must for every home. Dust mites are invisible and at first glance almost harmless, but who wants to have such neighbors in their home?

Today I prepared a material on how to get rid of a dust mite at home. Enough to make a little effort, and this parasite can not be remembered!

14 ways to get rid of dust mites without chemicals

Dust mites can never be completely driven out of the house, but you can reduce or cure allergy symptoms by limiting the number of mites with these natural, non-chemical methods.

Essential cause of allergies and asthma

Dust mites are microscopic insects living in upholstered furniture throughout the house that feed on dead skin cells. So that you know, one million dust mites every day can happily eat the remnants of your skin from an average adult!

Of course, these tiny home invaders are not harmful in small quantities, but larger tick populations can cause significant problems for some people.

Common indoor allergens that affect the eyes and nasal passages are dust mites, mold and fungus, cockroaches and even animal hair. Pollen from trees and grass can also enter the house.

All these irritants cause some unpleasant side effects, including head congestion, itchy eyes, sore throat, sore throat, sneezing, coughing, red or watery eyes.

Medications or natural treatments only help you breathe easier, but removing or reducing contact with an allergen is the best way to deal with unpleasant symptoms.

For statistics, here are some data: about 20 million Americans struggle with allergies to dust mites, and studies have shown that in 81% of tested asthmatics, the disease is caused by these insects and their excrement.

Dust mites can never be completely driven out of the house, but you can reduce or cure allergy symptoms by limiting the number of mites with these natural, non-chemical methods.

Lower temperature and humidity

Finding the ideal temperature and humidity level is the key to overcoming dust mites and controlling allergies.

Dust mites reproduce well and thrive when humidity is above 50%. At lower humidity, their actions are blocked, so some people turn on the dehumidifier if necessary, if it is possible to measure the humidity level in the house.

It is also recommended that you open windows for one hour every day to reduce humidity. On the other hand, if humidity drops too low, it is more likely that some allergen particles will circulate in the air. For this reason, a temperature between 18º C and 22º C and a humidity of 40% is optimal.

This room temperature is ideal for a bedroom where the number of ticks is highest, and is also very beneficial for promoting good sleep.

Do wet cleaning

Dust on all surfaces in rooms interferes with the elimination of dust mites. Therefore, do wet cleaning 1-2 times a week.

Always use a damp cloth to help prevent ticks from spreading through the air, and wash the rag at high temperature (in hot water) or throw it away immediately after use.

Now on the market there are many sprays for the destruction of dust mites, as well as reducing the number of other allergens, but they often turn out to be ineffective and expensive.

You can make your own dust removal spray that not only eliminates dust mites, but also allergy-inducing bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Just mix two cups of distilled water with 2 tsp. tea tree oil, pour into a dark bottle. Use the spray regularly, spray not only on furniture, but also on your upholstery and carpets, and soon you will feel some relief from allergy symptoms.

Remember to shake the bottle before each use to evenly distribute the oil inside.

Wash bedding and upholstered furniture at high temperature

If possible, do not accumulate too much upholstered furniture throughout the house as it collects dust and provides an ideal breeding ground for dust mites.

For example, from 100,000 to 10 million ticks can live on the same bed with an average mattress, which leaves quite unpleasant thoughts!

Since ticks cannot survive at high temperatures above 60 ° C, bedding must be washed weekly at this temperature. Other furniture such as pillows, throws and carpets should be washed once or twice a month at the same temperature.

Moreover, adding a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil to the wash removes up to 99% of dust mites from bedding, according to the study.

After you have cleaned the bedding, wrap the mattress in a protective cover against ticks. In the market, their choice is quite large. Covers make even for blankets and pillows.

Consider reducing the number of decorative pillows with your family, because you can live without them. Finally, do not use wool blankets that are unpleasant for many people with asthma and allergies.

Freeze them

Some elements in the house, such as silk pillows or soft toys, depending on their size, simply cannot be washed at high temperature.

If the toys are small enough, they can be placed in the freezer and frozen for 24 hours. This will kill ticks, although it will not help get rid of allergies. Shake objects vigorously after freezing to remove as many dead ticks as possible.

Buy special bedding

You already know that one mattress can contain up to 10 million ticks and many times more excrement, which means that the bedroom plays an important role in the fight against ticks!

Although many of the above methods lead to a reduction in dust mites in bedding, especially sensitive people require additional protection against these pests.

There are special anti-allergenic fabric coatings that pack mattresses and even pillows. They do not start dust mites.

Of course, they are very expensive, although in 2004 in the medical journal New England Journal wrote that many children's mattresses and pillows with special mite coverings reduce asthma complications. But everyone looks at their wallet capabilities and chooses what is appropriate for them.

Sprinkle with ciliates

Kieselguhr is a finely divided powder made from the fossilized remains of tiny aquatic organisms known as diatoms.

The skeletons of these creatures have the shape of a cylinder with sharp edges like in a razor, which do not affect people, but can be deadly for parasites and small insects, including dust mites!

To reduce the tick population, as well as fleas and bedbugs, carpets, mattresses, bedding and pet beds are sprinkled with a light layer of kieselguhr and allowed to settle.

It is better to leave it for a couple of hours or at night before vacuuming. And bed linen is naturally washed. Repeat this procedure often.

When choosing a kieselguhr brand, be sure to buy a food that is safe to use at home for animals and people. Kieselguhr is also used in many recipes for health, beauty, and more.

Minimum indoor plants

Although houseplants are a wonderful addition to any home, they quickly create a layer of dust and become a refuge for ticks.

If you cannot live without greenery, then at least do not forget to regularly wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. In addition, the moist soil around houseplants is an ideal place for mold to flourish.

To prevent mold growth, water only when the soil is dry and to simply moisten, not completely flood.

Choose certain plants to reduce other allergens inside your home. Some fantastic plants for air purification: spathiphyllum, golden epipremnum, philodendron, gerbera, yellowish dipsis, dracaena, etc.

Essential oils

Many chemicals and toxins used in conventional detergents can cause or exacerbate symptoms of allergies and asthma.

It has been proven that even such products as bleach, glass cleaners, detergents and air fresheners exacerbate the symptoms of asthma in women and lead to a decrease in lung function after inhalation immediately, and in some cases over time.

And two Australian studies have shown that many common household cleaners release toxins into the air, which increase the risk of bronchial asthma in children.

Therefore, monitor your health and choose cleaning products with a natural and herbal composition. Or prepare your own means.

As we already wrote, eucalyptus oil is very effective against ticks, moreover, it can be easily used on absolutely any surface: fabrics, bedding, carpets, etc.

Vacuum cleaner

Vacuuming is a great way to reduce dust mites and other household allergens, but be aware that dry vacuuming removes the dust that mites live on and is largely ineffective in removing mites from carpet.

This is especially true of old worn carpets (another reason to replace carpets with a beautiful wood or tile floor).

However, vacuuming is still necessary to reduce allergies and remove dust from the surface.Here are a few tips to help make this everyday task even more effective:

  • Buy a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter to reduce dust emissions from the vacuum cleaner itself.
  • Vacuum at least 2 times a week and pay special attention to those areas where most of the dust is, for example, under the bed and next to doorways.
  • Wear a mask while the vacuum cleaner is operating so as not to inhale the circulating dust.
  • You understand that you should vacuum not only carpets, but also curtains, sofas, upholstered furniture and other soft upholstery.
  • Steam cleaning carpets is more effective for removing ticks and their excrement than dry cleaning.

Additional precautions with pets

The presence of pets with fur or feathers increases the supply of food for ticks. In fact, a significant amount of cat hair remains on carpets for up to 20 weeks, and in mattresses many years after the animal is no longer there.

It is better to keep pets outdoors in order to avoid the spread of wool and be sure to regularly wash not only animals, but also their bedding, preferably at high temperature.

Keep your bedding away from pets so that they cannot reach it - this will reduce the dust mite settlement in the bedroom. Designate a specific area of ​​your home for your pet and never let it enter your bedroom.

Pet owners should also be aware that their furry friends can also suffer from dust mite allergies. Common signs for animals: itching, recurrent ear inflammation or infection. Bathe your animals regularly.

Open windows

A great way to run more oxygen and freshen up a room without any chemicals is to simply ventilate the room. Using an air conditioner in a car also reduces the amount of dust you breathe by as much as 30%!

Use rugs and slippers

The greatest concentration of house dust is in carpets near the landing. Up to 40% of pollutants at home are in the air!

To achieve the maximum cleaning effect, place the grate rugs near the outer door that are easy to remove from dust.

Air filter or cleaner

Many experts recommend the use of air filters from household allergens. Always choose air cleaners with a HEPA filter that removes 90% of allergens, and also clean the filters regularly. Do not forget to close the windows in the room where you are using your cleaner, as otherwise it will be ineffective.

Love minimalism

The mess collects dust and, accordingly, dust mites! Hide things that collect dust well: unnecessary jewelry, picture frames, stacks of books, piles of papers. So you get rid of dust mites, and besides, it will become much easier to clean.

A pretty good idea is to reduce the number of decorative pillows on sofas and beds, and also replace curtains with blinds.

In houses with bare floors up to 90% less dust than in houses with carpeted floors! Take advantage of tiles or wooden floors over carpets. You can decorate them with small plush rugs that can be easily washed every month.

How to eliminate dust mites in your home

Dust mites are very scary and insidious pests. They are not visible, but they are everywhere. They are in almost every home! You will never know that they live in your bed until you have an allergy.

Do you have nasal congestion and a runny nose? But you are not cold. There is a rash on the body, watery eyes, diathesis? But you are not allergic to food or pollen. Perhaps the dust mite is to blame for your problem.

What is dangerous harmless at first glance nasal congestion from allergies to dust mites

Carelessness is one of the main problems due to which a harmless allergy of the initial stages becomes chronic asthma.

Bronchial or chronic asthma in most cases is caused by untimely treatment. The change and destruction of the respiratory tract begins.

Visually, this is manifested by shortness of breath. Contact with an allergen or increased physical activity may cause asthma attacks leading to death. Why does this happen?

Most often, due to the fact that everyone believes - "this will never happen to me." Many people say: "I don’t eat honey with spoons, and citrus pounds - I will not have an allergy." Even if you are not in contact with allergens, the disease can develop.

The second mistake is when people who suspect they are allergic begin to treat the symptoms. My nose got blocked at night - I splashed vasoconstrictive drops, and everything was in order.

He over-eaten a dangerous food - he drank an antihistamine, and excellent. By eliminating the symptoms, you will not only never defeat the disease, but also exacerbate it so much that there will be no turning back.

How to determine if you have dust mite allergy symptoms

One of the main symptoms is nasal congestion at night, snot, sneezing. It is at night. If you notice that in the morning after waking up you have a stuffy nose, and during the day it goes away, then this is a clear sign of an allergy to a dust mite. Another sign is a reaction to the skin: redness, itching. There may also be redness of the eyes and tearfulness.

By the way, according to CNN, an allergy to a dust mite can be not only with you, but also with your cat or dog. It manifests itself similarly to the human one - in the form of scabies, redness of the skin, sneezing - and can be year-round, exacerbating in the spring.

In addition, few know that if you allow your animals to sleep with you in the same bed, this provokes an even greater increase in dust mites.

Who are dust mites?

A dust mite is one of the terrible allergens of modern life, a very insidious and invisible enemy. And, unfortunately, each of you has it at home.

Absolutely everyone. An exception may be rooms without upholstered furniture that are kept clean at the level of operating rooms.

It is almost impossible to notice it: the size of dust mites is only 0.1-0.5 mm. According to information from the EPA, they live in pillows, blankets, mattresses, upholstered furniture and even children's toys. Ticks prefer rooms with an average temperature of 18-25 degrees and high humidity.

According to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, “House dust mites feed on scales of human skin, pollen, fungi, bacteria, and animal dander.

Ticks do not drink water, but absorb water from the air and the environment. ” That is why the bedroom needs to reduce humidity. But, the worst thing is that dust mites will always have food, because every person sheds about 1.5 grams of dead skin every day.

Ticks leave behind feces, which contain the proteins Der f1 and Der p1 - they destroy the human skin. Contact with these excrement can cause a severe allergic reaction, up to eczema and dermatitis.

However sad it may be, it is impossible to completely destroy the dust mite. But by making an effort, you can reduce the number of ticks in your home to the minimum mark at which they will not cause allergies.

Our friend, a candidate of medical sciences, a pathologist who himself suffers from allergies, shared with us his experience in dealing with these, in the literal sense, “invisible”, but very scary allergens. In his experience, he considers the most important steps:

  1. throw away all the old things, carpets, rugs
  2. buy the right (!) air purifier.

To help you in choosing dust mite products, we have studied the most effective mite control products.

We destroy the old "dust collectors"

You always need to start with drastic measures. You can have a carpet that you got from your grandmother, or feather pillows that have never been cleaned, as well as an old children's blanket - no matter how bad it is, you have to throw it all away!

There is no sense in cleaning products that have already served a long time, you will not be able to remove even most of the ticks, and the remaining ones will very quickly restore losses and increase the army.

By the way, the service life of many accessories is shorter than you think: for example, according to various sources, a pillow has 2 to 5 years, a blanket has 5 years, and a mattress has a maximum of 10.

Therefore, you have only two options - either use your “relics”, or protect your health and change them in a timely manner.

We do a spring cleaning

Getting rid of old things, you need to carry out a general cleaning. Do not stretch this process. Firstly, ticks will have fewer chances to move to a new home, and secondly, you need to decide and do everything at once.

Wash everything. Bedclothes, clothes, underwear. Take it to the dry cleaner if it is a pity to throw out soft toys. Children love to play with them, sleep and spend time, and ticks love to live and breed in warm plush products.

To cope with a dust mite, simply damp cleaning with conventional detergents will not be enough.

To clean carpets, use the Oreck Full Release Allergen Control Carpet Cleaner - this detergent is focused on combating dust mites.

The main active substance, as in most similar products, is the trichloromethaphos-3 emulsion. The product does not require special preparations - just dilute it in the proportions indicated on the label in hot water and apply it on the carpet. Leave the carpet to dry - you do not need to wash off the preparation.

To achieve a good result in cleaning rooms, especially if you or your family members already have a tendency to allergies, it is worth buying a special vacuum cleaner to fight ticks, like the one in the photo below.

Its uniqueness lies in the following nuances. This unit is equipped with modern filters. When cleaning with an ordinary vacuum cleaner, you collect garbage, but small-sized mites, and even more so their feces, reaching a maximum size of 30 microns, do not linger inside.

To achieve hypoallergenic cleanliness, such cleaning does not make sense. This model inhibits the pest and all products of its vital activity.

For further cleaning and cleaning, use products such as anthers and microfiber cloths. This material is made from threads of very thin diameter.

Due to this, the dust during cleaning does not scatter around, but is collected on a napkin, and with it all harmful particles and allergens.

How to kill a dust mite? The best dust mite spray

Let's talk about how to destroy ticks. Following step by step to the house without dust mites, after complete cleaning it is time to proceed to the destruction of the remaining mites and their eggs. We use aerosols.

Bedlam Plus Aerosol is designed to combat ticks and their eggs, bugs and fleas, moths and bugs in indoor carpets.

The manufacturer gives very scarce information about his product, but this is rather the case when real reviews speak for the tool, rather than the speech of marketers. Killing bed bugs, Bedlam at the same time will not spare dust mites. The vast majority of users are satisfied with this product.

Aerosol Ortho Home Defense Dual-Action Bed Bug Killer will help you in the fight against dust mites, as well as fleas and bed bugs. The spray leaves no traces on the treated surfaces, and the spraying result lasts up to two weeks.

Judging by the reviews regarding dust mites, users are satisfied with the purchase, focusing on their feelings after processing with a room spray, because the mite can not be seen, even dead ones.

We pass to protective bedding

The SafeRest Premium Hypoallergenic Waterproof Mattress Protector - Vinyl Fre mattress pad is sewn from hypoallergenic cotton and protects against dust mites, bacteria, liquids and allergens.

It seems that in this case, the manufacturer took into account all the factors that can interfere with absolutely all people in a dream, including those who are allergic to dust mites (in the reviews people write: “My quality of life has become much better”); asthmatics; suffering from eczema and other skin problems, as well as those who sleep in the same bed with children, animals and love to eat there.

The Hospitology Sleep Defense System Waterproof / Dust Mite Proof Pillow Encasement hypoallergenic pillowcase cover set is an addition to the previous mattress cover.

Pillowcases in standard size (you can choose a children's size), put on your pillow and fasten with a zipper. Special breathable polyester will not make you feel uncomfortable during sleep and will hide all allergens under lock and key. Allergy sufferers confirm that their nightly sleep has improved.

If you followed our advice and decided to replace the pillows in the house, we advise you to purchase Shredded Memory Foam Pillow with Bamboo Cover - Coop Home Goods - Made in USA - QUEEN pillows.

The main secret of this pillow is that its filler is a synthetic winterizer. This material is so artificial and unsuitable for life that even ticks do not live in it.

In addition, it is pleasant to the touch, because 40% of the coverage is bamboo fiber. Confirmed: people with allergies feel noticeable improvements when switching from a feather-based pillow to a sintepon.

We clean the air

So we have come to the last and main step. Old dust bags are thrown away, the room is cleaned, mites are poisoned, and the bed is new and safe.

Now you can do those things that, unfortunately, were beyond the power of our ancestors. Using engineering genius, you can reduce humidity in the room, kill ticks in the air and clean the air you breathe.

It is very important to get rid of high humidity, since it is in humid air that dust mites reproduce most quickly. Therefore, we choose air purifiers precisely without a humidifier and with a UV lamp!

GermGuardian AC4825, 3-in-1 Air Cleaning System with True HEPA, UV-C and Odor Reduction, 22-Inch is equipped with powerful filters and there is an ultraviolet lamp that kills germs around. It also removes a very wide range of unpleasant odors and has a compact size - it is convenient to take with you on business trips and vacations.

How to get rid of a dust mite at home

Almost any dust contains living organisms called mites, which feed on particles of dead skin. Their size is very small - from 0.1 to 0.5 mm, so it is impossible to see them with the naked eye.

They do not bite and do not drink the blood of people, but on the other hand, their feces scattered here and there can provoke allergic reactions in people who come in contact with them.

The problem is serious enough to ignore and not solve, therefore it is always recommended to remove thick layers of dust wherever they accumulate in the house.

Usually people pay attention to the surface of the mezzanine of cabinets, to a chandelier that has not been washed for a long time, some far or upper shelves, places behind a washing machine, stove and other inaccessible places where dust can accumulate.

But, unfortunately, few people think that at the same time ticks can get hammered into rugs, carpets, soft toys, curtains or thick-woven curtains, woolen and fur things that have not been shaken from cabinets for a long time, and so on.

In order to get rid of house ticks, of course, you can do just one general cleaning. Moreover, these parasites do not like cold (temperature below + 18 ° C) and airing, as well as washing and washing, followed by ironing with a hot iron.

However, if they have already multiplied in large numbers in the apartment, then their elimination should be done using special preparations. In total there are two ways to rid your home of such microscopic insects - this is the use of folk remedies and exposure to them with chemicals.

Folk remedies

The so-called folk remedies for etching dust mites in the house are the same as the rules of hygiene, so these two actions are in close contact with each other.

When it comes to solving this problem.Therefore, we briefly describe the most basic methods aimed specifically at the destruction of dust mites on their own, without calling specialists from the sanitary or pest control services. You can remove ticks if you do:

  • General cleaning of the house with a vacuum cleaner with an aquafilter, wash all dusty places. In this case, the dust container should immediately be flushed into the toilet or thrown into the trash bin in a tightly tied bag.
  • Shake or knock out all carpets, rugs, and even mattresses. It is especially effective in winter to do this in the snow.
  • Take out in the cold or the active sun - carpets, a sofa, pillows, soft toys.
  • If there is no way to "fry" things in the cold, or the sun, then it is best to start a special lamp in the house that delivers ultraviolet rays.
  • Laundry and ironing with a hot iron.

If there is a balcony, it is very convenient to expose things from home in the cold or in the sunshine. If there is a porch of a private house or a sunny place in the yard, then the problem is solved even easier.

UV rays instantly almost kill all ticks. While using the ultraviolet lamp, one should not be indoors, it is necessary to exit while the lamp is on.

It usually takes 30 minutes to disinfect with this room light - if the lamp is long and large, like about a daylight lamp. You can bring a few more home-made products that are excellent disinfectants in our home.

Salt and soda

With a salt or soda solution, you can perfectly sanitize an entire apartment or house if you regularly wash all floors, shelves on cabinets, and any surfaces.

If you prepare a salt solution, then its composition and proportion can be any, but just do not forget that the more salt you put, the greater the chance that the solution will leave dried white stains and smudges. In general, the most optimal solution should be salty as a tear - this is usually 1 handful of salt per bucket of water.

Ethers and herbs

Essential oils also perfectly disinfect the room - enough to add 5 drops of lemon or lavender to half a bucket of water. Still perfectly disinfects wormwood rooms.

But its freshly picked branches need to be laid out around the house, and this is not always convenient for residents. It repels and suspends the life of insects, not only wormwood, but also chamomile or tansy flowers.

After you have scattered all the plants everywhere, hung them on the floor, in the corners, on the sofas, where there are soft toys, after which they should lie for 3 days. Then everything is cleaned and spring cleaning is done.


Traditional chlorine solution now in wide consumption is sold in the form of products such as: ACE or White. Even they can be diluted in a bucket of water to get a normal concentration solution for disinfection of the premises during general cleaning.

Of course, if you need to do cleaning more often with a cleaning agent, then you can buy bleach powder at a hardware store or from sanitation workers. Because White is enough for 1 time, if you wash the entire apartment or house.

Air cleaner

Such appliances from household appliances, such as an air purifier, work not only to cleanse dust, but also to moisturize and maintain an optimal moisture regime.

If this device is of high quality, then you don’t even have to think about dust mites when there is such an assistant in the house. You just need to remember to change the filters according to the instructions - about 3 or 4 times a month.

It may seem to some to be too costly, but maintaining this device with humidity at a level of 30 or 50% is payable. At the same time, the air in the house is also cleaned.

Dust Mite Chemicals

In addition to folk remedies and methods, such and various specialized preparations that are sold just for such purposes can help solve the problem with dust mites in a house or apartment - reducing allergens in dust.Elimination of harmful insects and disinfection of the room.

How to get rid of a dust mite

The first mattress monsters were discovered in 1964. Currently, there are already about 150 types of linen mites. How does a dust mite affect health, how to get rid of a dust mite?

Dust mite

Everywhere we are accompanied by invisible microorganisms. Ticks develop in a warm environment with high humidity, and the best conditions for their reproduction prevail in the bedrooms.

Their main food is the human epithelium, one of the components of dust. One gram of dust can contain more than one hundred thousand arachnids, and even 30 million individuals can accumulate on one mattress.

Their presence is almost imperceptible when a person has no allergies and if there are not many microorganisms in the environment. However, when they multiply greatly, living with ticks under one roof can be a nightmare.

There are several types of individuals responsible for the development of allergies. With the naked eye, the dust mite is invisible, but it looks that way.

Ticks are very small. In one cubic millimeter, 2 to 4 arachnids of this type can fit. They live about four months. Most of them breed extremely fast.

During her life, the female usually lays 150-300 eggs. Ticks feed mainly on exfoliated epidermis (and a man loses it daily by about 1.5 grams), as well as mold and pollen.

What is an allergy?

Allergy is the wrong response of the immune system. Protects the body from attacks of harmful microorganisms (e.g. batteries, viruses), and other compounds.

For reasons that are not completely understood, immunity begins to fight potentially harmless substances. For example, such as feces of bed mites. And classifies them as factors dangerous to the body. The immune system releases substances that cause allergic reactions and specific symptoms into the bloodstream.

What are allergens

Substances that cause the development of allergies are called allergens. The main allergen responsible for the reaction to ticks is the protein contained in their litter.

The higher the concentration of allergens in the air, the faster the allergy develops. The number of linen mites varies depending on the season. Most of them occur in the summer months, that is, from the beginning of July to the end of September.

Since arachnid droppings are difficult to remove, allergy symptoms can occur throughout the year, despite a reduction in tick numbers.

Tick ​​Allergy Symptoms

Since the waste products of ticks are inhaled through the nose, the reaction of the body may be hay fever,
rhinitis, watery runny nose, sneezing attacks, itchy nose, tears, redness of the conjunctiva of the eyes, asthma attacks, wheezing (which are symptoms of asthma).

In recent years, the number of people with hypersensitivity to dust has increased significantly. Some of them may develop asthma over time.

During sleep, we are exposed to high levels of allergens because the dust mite is more active at night. Most patients experience the greatest severity of symptoms in the morning, immediately after getting out of bed. Despite even a very long sleep, they feel tired.

How to get rid of a dust mite

Dust mite everywhere: in linen, books, in bed. The fight with him is not easy. Even worse, she is doomed to failure. Destroy parasites from the environment will never succeed. You can only limit their appearance.

They appear mainly in warm, humid and dusty places. Most often found in household dust. There is no universal way to get rid of these microorganisms.

Bedding, mattresses, upholstered furniture, tablecloths, curtains, curtains and rugs accumulate a large amount of dust.

It seems that the easiest way to deal with ticks is to get rid of all the things that accumulate dust. But it’s hard to give up furniture.

Regular cleaning

However, it is possible to limit the occurrence of dust and therefore allergenic mites, for example by replacing thick curtains collecting dust with blinds that are easy to clean.

It will be helpful to regularly sanitize carpets. To clean the upholstery of sofas with vacuum cleaners with anti-allergic filters.

Frequent wet cleaning is necessary in places where dust accumulates, and which are rarely paid attention to: on shelves with books, on top of cabinets.

Vacuum and wash the bedding container at least once a week. Wipe the floor under the bed regularly, and if you need to store things there, use a lockable container (remove it from under the bed before vacuuming).


How to get rid of a dust mite - often ventilate the apartment and bedding. Ventilate the apartment even several times a day and always before bedtime. Do not forget about airing bedding, bedspreads and blankets. Do this in both summer and winter.

Temperature mode

At temperatures below 0 degrees, the dust mite dies. Wet air contributes to its reproduction, and dry air helps the spread of dust. But, inhibits the growth and reproduction of ticks.

We must adhere to the "golden mean." The temperature in the house should not exceed 21 degrees, and the humidity should remain about 45%.

Chemistry Against Ticks

At home, it is worth using chemical agents against ticks. There are liquid, powder or capsule formulations. This allows you to deal with all stages of tick development and neutralizes allergens.

They protect the skin from rashes and similar allergic reactions. It is also recommended to use hypoallergenic bedding (without down comforters) and special mattresses that do not allow dust mites.

The use of cleaning products with anti-allergenic properties, washing clothes at a temperature of at least 55 degrees is also useful in the fight against microorganisms.

Air purifiers

Air purifiers help keep you healthy. Special filters remove mold spores, microorganisms, viruses, pollen and most microbes or allergens from the air.


In some apartments, especially vulnerable to tick propagation, ozone treatment is worthwhile. Ozone is faster and more effective than, for example, chlorine, destroys tick cells and neutralizes the harmful effects of dust.

As a result of this procedure, you can get rid of various types of allergens. The dust mite dies during ozonation. Ozone is produced by generators.

It interacts with organic compounds of mold, fungi, bacteria and leads to their complete disintegration.

During ozonation, ozone molecules decompose and release oxygen molecules. Which combine with chemical compounds flying in the air. A neutralization reaction occurs.


In medical institutions, quartzing is a daily procedure. The device itself is an ultraviolet lamp in a glass of quartz. Ultraviolet reliably kills all germs, mold and purifies the air.

Since harmful ozone is released during quartzization, it is necessary to ventilate the room after the procedure. Every family can buy a quartz device. If used correctly, there will be no harm to health.

The cleanliness of the kids room

Family focus should be on cleanliness where the child lives. In a children's room, vacuuming and a damp cloth on cupboards and in nooks should be a weekly habit.

A vacuum cleaner by itself, even using filters, picks up dust particles. The dust mite rises into the air. Therefore, before the child enters the room, several minutes must pass after vacuuming.

According to the same principle, it is advised to wash children's plush toys every few months and put them in the freezer for a day or two. And in winter freeze on the balcony.

How to get rid of a dust mite? More often to clean our houses, apply modern means of protection, use hypoallergenic textiles. And, most importantly, learn to live with these microorganisms.

Is there any benefit from bed mites

It turns out there is. By interacting with ticks, immunity produces antibodies. Cells appear in the blood that protect the body from more formidable diseases.

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