Poison for bedbugs - an overview of the best professional tools and preparations for self-destruction of a pest

poison for bedbugs
Poison for bugs

Hello! Last month I had to help my neighbor solve a whole puzzle. He found bugs on the bed.

I used kerosene for excretion - it helped for a while. A week later, the parasites were discovered again on the couch in the next room. But where could they come from?

I had to move on to more radical and effective means that gave the desired result. Want to find out which poison for bedbugs proved to be better than the rest? How to use it correctly? We’ll talk about all this in more detail now.

Quality preparations for the control and destruction of bugs

In the early eighties of the last century, residents of apartments and houses almost forgot about bedbugs, because affordable and effective insecticides appeared.

Unfortunately, today the issue of combating parasites is again becoming relevant, and for fairly simple reasons: bedbugs have developed resistance to most of the poisons that are used against them, in addition, many residents of cities and villages belong to a generation that simply did not see these parasites and does not imagine how they can be destroyed.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to provide complete protection of premises against bugs entering them, but competent destruction and proper preventive measures can minimize the risks of their occurrence.

Bed bugs can become a serious problem if they do not reveal their appearance in time and allow their spread throughout the dwelling.

Bed bugs, unlike cockroaches, can even appear in dwellings with perfect purity, since their food is not waste, but blood, and therefore, the sanitary condition of the premises does not significantly affect their appearance.

However, in neglected apartments with a mess, bedbugs feel much better, because there are more secluded places where they can live.

Living conditions

For the successful propagation of bugs, the optimal conditions are natural for most residential premises:

  • Constant temperature in the range of +20 - +32 C;
  • Food sources (human blood);
  • Hidden places. In any apartment, they are in sufficient quantities, because bugs live in linen, furniture cracks, behind skirting boards, etc.

To successfully deal with bedbugs, you need to understand how they can penetrate the premises.

Most often, bed bugs get into the apartment as a result of:

  • Migrations through communication channels from adjacent premises;
  • Carrying on clothes, or luggage, if you visited infected homes;
  • Use of items stored in parasite-infected rooms.

The choice of methodology

Having revealed the unpleasant fact that the home is infected with parasites, you should immediately establish a technique that will be effective for their destruction. Choosing the best tool or method, you need to consider all possible options, taking into account the following criteria:

  • Whether the chosen method will be safe for residents;
  • How effective will be the destruction of bugs;
  • How convenient and simple this method is to destroy bedbugs;
  • How much the selected method will be available to you financially;
  • Will the interior and furniture be damaged?
  • A number of other variables.

Any insecticides, as well as methods for destroying domestic bugs, should be selected taking into account the above criteria. The maximum effect in the destruction of parasites will be achieved only by those drugs or methods that meet the highest safety and effectiveness requirements.

Own forces

All methods that are used at home to combat bedbugs can be conditionally divided into repelling and destructive, the former being effective only with the right combination with the drugs used in the second technique.

That is, it would be prudent to first carry out work on the complete destruction of insects in the home, and only then use repellents that will prevent the re-emergence of parasites.

For deterrence, such bugs can be used:

  1. Chemical fluids (turpentine, kerosene, ammonia, etc.);
  2. Essential oils of high concentration (rosemary, eucalyptus, lavender);
  3. Plants and herbs (tansy, wormwood, ledum, calamus).

These funds will not be able to destroy bugs, but can be used as a temporary measure, or to deter parasites. Their action is based on the allocation of an unpleasant, pungent odor that bed bugs do not like, they have proven themselves in anti-relapse and preventive qualities.

To prevent the penetration of parasites from neighbors, you can put in the ventilation ducts bunches of fresh rosemary, wormwood, or tansy. They can also be placed in doorways, crevices and other through holes between dwellings through which parasites can migrate.

If there is no possibility to use fresh plants, you can grease the same places with essential oils, or other liquids with repellent properties.

Getting rid of parasites using folk remedies

Evaporation. One of the safest methods. It is enough to process the seams of upholstered furniture, baseboards, other cracks and possible habitats of bugs with boiling water.

Temperatures below -20 C. In cold weather, you can bring furniture and linen to the street, and ventilate the apartment for a long time. Please note that for the death of bugs, prolonged exposure to low temperatures is necessary.

Acetic essence. Also safe and easy. It is necessary to lubricate with it the probable places of the appearance of parasites. Such processing will not spoil any surfaces, but the pungent smell of vinegar reliably scares away pests.

The oldest bug control tool is

solution of kerosene, turpentine and boiling water

. They need to process furniture and other surfaces; the addition of soap to the solution is omitted. The composition of the ramming agent: kerosene - 20 milliliters, green soap - 40 grams, water - 150 milliliters, turpentine - 15 milliliters.

Flask of Valerian. All “risk zones” are lubricated with them, after which the bugs themselves begin to crawl out of the cracks. However, this remedy has no effect against eggs laid, and even if there are cats in the house, you are unlikely to feel calm after treatment.

Sagebrush. To scare away insects, it is enough to put twigs of wormwood under the bedding.

Surface treatment with peroxide, alcohol, salt water. Sometimes a gas or alcohol burner is used to combat bedbugs in order to treat metal surfaces infected with bedbugs. However, this method requires special care and compliance with fire safety rules.

Also among the common folk recipes used to combat bedbugs:

  • A mixture of 6 grams of silicic acid, 80 milliliters of turpentine and 40 grams of phenol;
  • A mixture of 15 camphor, 300 milliliters of turpentine, 300 milliliters of ethyl alcohol;
  • A mixture of 10 grams of naphthalene and 300 milliliters of denatured alcohol;
  • A mixture of 60 grams of naphthalene, 300 milliliters of kerosene, 300 milliliters of turpentine.

It must be remembered that it is quite difficult to destroy bedbugs by folk methods on their own, for this it is necessary to stock up on patience and free time. In the process of processing, it is necessary to inspect and process each item separately, and linen after processing must be washed at high temperature.

Destruction of bugs by modern means

If the destruction of parasites with folk remedies does not work, you need to think about how they can be destroyed with the help of modern drugs, for example, sprays such as Combat, Dichlorvos, Antiklop, etc. However, if the infection rate is high in the room, the deterrent measures to combat parasites can be regarded as useless.

In particular, insecticidal pastes and gels are effective as protection and prevention, since they have a long residual effect, but they will not help get rid of bugs.

Many people hope to destroy bugs on their own with inexpensive aerosols, pencils, poisons and powders. It is necessary to take into account the specifics of these funds, since many drugs for killing bugs can cause allergic reactions and other unpleasant consequences.

Chlorophos for the fight against bedbugs. Chlorophos is an effective means to kill bugs. The toxic substance must be stored closed in non-residential premises.

For processing, prepare an aqueous solution of one part of a ten percent emulsion of chlorophos and four parts of water. The solution is prepared on the street, or with the windows open in the room.

During the destruction of bugs, you must use a respirator, or a cotton-gauze bandage, gloves, glasses, overalls, you can not smoke and eat food. After processing, open areas of the body are washed with soap, the room is ventilated, and the dishes in which the solution was prepared are discarded.

Please note that chlorophos does not destroy eggs of parasites, so the treatment of the premises must be carried out three to four times a year. When wallpapering, it is possible to add chlorophos to the glue to prevent insects from infecting the room.

Microphos to fight bugs. The drug is intended for professional use, has a wide range of effects and lasting effect, allows you to completely destroy not only bugs, but also other insects, such as cockroaches, ants, fleas.

Destruction of bugs is due to klopyrifos - the active substance. The drug has low toxicity, the smell is practically absent.

The research results show that the effectiveness of the microphos is maintained for six months after application. You can buy the drug on the Internet or in specialized stores.

Processing of the premises is carried out with an aqueous solution of cospirifos; for this, the concentrate must be diluted with water in a ratio of one to twenty. To destroy the bugs, the solution must be applied to the places of the identified and likely accumulation of bugs. Re-processing is carried out after one month.

Kalbofos to fight bugs. Karbofos belongs to effective drugs for the destruction of bugs, it has a wide spectrum of action, the smell is sharp, it disappears quickly.

The protective period after treatment is long. To destroy bugs, an aqueous emulsion prepared from karbofos concentrate is used.During processing, the product is applied evenly to the places of identified and likely accumulation of bugs.

Karbofos is produced in Russia, has an affordable cost, it can be purchased in specialized stores, in construction and garden markets.

Pyrethrum for fighting bugs. Pyrethrum is a powdery drug that is lethal to parasites and safe for humans. Powder is poured into the nests, all cracks, cracks, inaccessible places, including exfoliation of fights, joints of furniture elements, etc.

Tetrix for fighting bugs. Tetrix is ​​realized in cans and bottles; after processing the room, an unpleasant odor remains for some time. The composition of the drug includes toxic substances that destroy bugs.

The tool is one of the most effective. To process a three-room apartment, 250 milliliters of the drug, diluted in seven to eight liters of water, is enough. The drug is rarely sold freely, but is sold in specialized services. The effect after processing lasts a long time

Bedbug Combat. The drug has an affordable cost, effectively destroys not only bed bugs, but also cockroaches, ticks, fleas, spiders and other insects.

To destroy domestic bugs can be used:

  • Superspray. The drug is low toxicity. It contains cyfenotrin and imiprotrin, due to which, after processing the premises, insects die instantly.
  • Multispray. Fast-acting drugs, after processing the premises, insects lose their mobility and die.

When disinfecting premises, it is recommended to use special nozzles that allow the processing of hard-to-reach spots.

Bedbug executioner. High performance safe for people and pets. Processing is carried out with an aqueous solution prepared from one bottle of the drug and half a liter of warm water.

Processing is carried out using a spray, a respirator and other protective equipment can be omitted, windows and windows should be closed.

Advantages of the drug:

  • Affordable cost;
  • After processing, no spots remain on the surfaces;
  • Unpleasant odor is weak;
  • Not only adults are destroyed, but also larvae, eggs.

Bedbug Pencils. Pencils are convenient for the destruction of bugs, are an alloy of chlorophos, or karbofos and paraffin. During processing, it is necessary to draw stripes on the possible paths of bed bugs.

Means are dangerous, since even small amounts of the drug can cause an allergic reaction in a person.

Destruction Precautions

Before starting processing the premises, it is necessary to carefully examine all objects and things where bugs can live, identify the places of accumulation of parasites, their eggs and larvae. Uninfected household items and clothing should be removed from the premises.

Be sure to take care of your health: pre-purchase a respirator or mask, rubber gloves, wear tight clothes.

Do not forget that many preparations contain toxic chemicals, so not only people, but also pets must be removed from the treatment area, aquariums must be covered with foil, and the air supply system must be turned off.

How to stain bugs? Popular poison

Bed bugs are one of the most unpleasant domestic insects. These small creatures settle in the house and cause many problems to people. Their bites cause itching and inflammation of the skin and can even be hazardous to health when it comes, for example, to the health of the smallest family members.

It is in children that the most severe allergic reactions to bedbug bites often occur. This is due to the toxicity of the substance that the bug injects under the skin when bitten.

Therefore, having found bugs in your home, you need to get rid of them as soon as possible, preventing them from multiplying.Indeed, yesterday’s “bug”, which was not noticed in a couple of weeks, will turn into a whole army of blood-sucking insects, which will be very difficult to get rid of. And it will help us in this poison from bugs.

If before people stained bedbugs with various improvised means, now the market offers a large selection of all kinds of insecticidal preparations of various brands and types. Let's look at what types of bedbug remedies are on the market and how they differ from each other.

Be sure to specify what class of danger the means with which you are going to conduct treatment against bedbugs or other insects. It is impossible to handle substances of hazard class 1 and 2 in residential premises.

Professional poison from bugs at an affordable price. The companies offer professional poison from Averfos bugs at an affordable price. Averfos is a remedy for bedbugs of the 4th hazard class that is harmless to humans but very effective for combating blood-sucking insects.

It is by such means that the Sanitary Epidemiological Services are professionally processed. The package contains instructions for using the product as well as all the necessary auxiliary items.

Types of poison

Specialized professional tools: Averfos, Agran, Taran, Sinuzan, Sichlor. This type of remedy for bedbugs is not sold in ordinary stores and is used by professional pest control services to kill bugs and other insects.

Specialized products are divided into 4 classes according to the degree of danger to humans and toxicity. The most dangerous are the means of the first and second class - for example, "Fox", DDT (in powder "Dust"). The use of such funds in residential premises is unacceptable.

Means of the third hazard class have a slight odor and can be used in residential premises subject to the processing rules and the use of chemical respirators and suits. protection. Means of the fourth class of danger are the least harmful to people and have no smell.

Concentrated sprays: “Klopomor”, “Clean House”, “Medilis-AntiKLOP”. They are a solution of potent insecticidal preparations of high concentration.

The spray is diluted with water, in the proportion specified in the instructions for each specific poison from bugs. They are available in bottles of various capacities. Suitable for handling large areas of damage.

Insecticidal aerosols: Raptor, Dichlorvos-Neo, Combat. These are drugs already diluted to the desired consistency. Available in aerosol cans. They are convenient to use and relatively safe for humans, however, due to the low concentration of the toxic substance they are not very effective.

Special gels and pencils: "Masha from bedbugs." This is poison from bugs, available in solid or pasty form. They are easy to use and relatively safe for people. Their plus is that after application they do not disappear as quickly as liquid preparations, but they do not always help.

Insecticidal Powders: Pyrethrum. These are substances poisonous to bedbugs, which disintegrate in places where insects accumulate. Bed bugs carry powder particles on their paws, infecting each other. The inconvenience of the powder is that it can not be scattered everywhere. Therefore, inaccessible places are best treated with other types of poison from bugs.

Folk remedies: vinegar, wormwood, ammonia. Despite the variety of special preparations, some people still stain bedbugs with folk remedies.

But since their effect is not as effective as that of factory preparations, they can be used only in the early stages of infection and in small areas of infection with bedbugs. The advantages of these tools are their low cost, affordability, low toxicity and relative safety for residents.

Treat the choice of means to destroy bugs and treat responsibly - strictly follow the instructions and safety precautions.If the dosage is incorrect, a strong and unpleasant odor may remain in the room for a long time and being there will be hazardous to health.

How to stain

So now that you have decided what to stain the bugs, you can proceed to the processing itself. Before processing the premises, wear closed clothing, rubber household gloves, and a cloth mask or respirator on your face.

Prepare and apply the selected product strictly according to the instructions. There should not be anyone in the room, except for the person who is stealing bugs. Dishes, furniture and other things should be covered with rags, which are then discarded.

After processing the poison from bugs, you need to leave the room, leaving the windows and doors tightly closed. After a few hours, the room must be thoroughly ventilated and wet cleaned. You also need to wash yourself and wash your clothes well.

In order to completely get rid of bed bugs in the apartment, it is better to carry out processing together with neighbors. If you could not kill the bugs yourself, you can contact the pest control service for help.

How to choose an effective poison from bugs

Poison from bugs is usually associated with the poison used to destroy cockroaches - crayons, powders, dusts, aerosols. But only that poison from bugs that infects the pulmonary system of insects or penetrates through their hard chitinous shells is effective.

It is impossible to bring out bedbugs with crayons and powders. They act only on parasites that can feed on these substances. After eating poison, insects die. Since bedbugs are obligate bloodsuckers, they will never feed on powders. They are attracted to only one food - human blood (at worst, other available mammals).

For the destruction of blood-sucking parasites, preparations in the form of liquids and aerosols are suitable. Nervous insecticides are detrimental to insects. However, they do not cause poisoning of humans or mammals (the protective forces of their organisms neutralize the aggressive substances that make up the poisonous drugs).

Substances related to atypical poisons from bloodsucking insects leave chemical damage incompatible with life on the bodies of parasites. They are deadly for insects as well as for humans and pets. Aggressive products burn the respiratory organs, mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth and skin.

When choosing poisonous drugs, it is necessary to take into account the harm that they can cause to humans and pets. And when applying them, strictly adhere to the room processing algorithm. This will avoid disastrous consequences.

Varieties of poisons

Substances that can poison bedbugs are divided into groups:

  • Concentrates for the preparation of sprays. Concentrated insecticides are pre-diluted with water. For independent use in everyday life, they are packaged in containers of 50 and 100 ml. One bottle is enough for the full processing of the housing in which the parasites settled. For professional disinsection, concentrated liquids are released in plastic cans. Using concentrates, observe increased safety measures.
  • Aerosols - ready-to-use products. They are convenient to use at home. Aerosols are inferior in effectiveness to sprays. Room treatment is carried out in a respirator.
  • Poisons for folk methods of removing bloodsuckers. Kerosene, turpentine and vinegar kill parasites only by hitting their bodies. The effect of using such poison is excessively small. In addition, these toxic substances are harmful to humans and animals due to the pungent odor and the ability to cause burns.
  • Not every poison is effective in a particular situation. Bed bugs are excellent adaptors, they quickly adapt to the effects of toxic substances. It is impossible to be 100% sure that this or that insecticide will quickly destroy all individuals in the apartment.

Aerosols from bloodsucking parasites

The best among aerosols are:

  • Raptor is a Turkish insecticide with aromatic additives, containing 3 powerful toxic compounds. Adaptation of bugs to this drug is practically excluded.
  • Kombat is a Korean flavored poison. Effectively destroys bedbugs if their colonies are not too numerous.
  • A clean house is a universal poison from bugs and other parasitic domestic insects (they destroy cockroaches, fleas and other annoying animals).
  • Dichlorvos-Neo is an inexpensive new generation product that effectively kills parasitic insects.

Aerosols are good for self-processing housing. They process cracks in the floor and on the walls, skirting boards, cabinets, beds and other furniture. Aerosols are sprayed only in empty rooms, with closed doors and windows.

Before airing, housing treated with aerosol poisons is allowed to stand for several hours, so that insecticides probably have a detrimental effect on bedbugs. After airing the rooms do wet cleaning.

Aerosols effectively destroy adults and larvae, but almost do not affect the eggs of parasites. Therefore, after 1-2 months, bloodsuckers appear in the housing of the surviving eggs. To destroy the bedbugs, a final treatment of the dwelling is needed twice.

Concentrated Sprays

Insecticidal concentrates diluted with water are used as a spray. They smell terrible, the treatment of rooms is done in respirators. These drugs are intended for the professional handling of housing. They are rarely found on the market.

Pest controllers prefer:

  • Klopoveron - a drug created in the era of the Soviet Union. The tool almost does not harm a person. It effectively kills bugs. Before use, the powder is diluted with water. Klopoveron is intended for professional processing only. The drug is not on sale.
  • Tetrix - a tool with a pungent unpleasant odor. Poison poured into cans or bottles is diluted with water. This medication is difficult to use. Only professionals work with him.
  • Sinuzanu - poison with a unique composition. In effect on bedbugs, it is similar to Tetrix. The concentrate has a strong unpleasant odor.
  • The executioner is a German drug without a pungent odor causing suffocation. They are often used in everyday life. It is dangerous for bedbugs, but is unable to harm a person.
  • Getu (Get) - a microencapsulated suspension containing poison against bugs. Odorless venom effectively kills blood-sucking parasites until it is washed off treated surfaces. Insects moving in sprayed places, having come into contact with a poisoned suspension, die.
  • Delta-Zone and Lambda-Zone - drugs whose action is similar to Goet.
  • Karbofos - a popular insecticide that has a detrimental effect on sexually mature insects, larvae and eggs. Powder and concentrated solution are on sale.

The concentrates are diluted with water, observing the proportions indicated in the instructions. The finished liquid is poured into a spray bottle, from which the habitats of blood-sucking insects are sprayed.

Folk poison

Poisons used by the people, when hit on bed bugs, burn and strangle them. It is unrealistic to spray poisonous substances so that their drops fall on all individuals living in the apartment. Some insects will remain unscathed and will certainly survive.

All folk poisons have an unpleasant asphyxiating smell. In addition, many of them are flammable (kerosene, turpentine and other liquids - combustible and flammable compounds).

Hoods from wormwood and tansy are fatal to bedbugs. But they do not so much destroy insects as they simply scare them away. Such poison is more suitable for preventive purposes. Parasites do not penetrate into rooms where it smells like wormwood and tansy.

How to choose poisons, taking into account the current situation

When choosing poison from bedbugs, they focus on the following factors:

  1. When there are few parasites in the house (apartment), their habitats are known, aerosols are chosen to control insects. Bugs are brought out in 2 stages. Control spraying of the poison is carried out after 2-4 weeks after the initial spraying. During this period, larvae hatch from surviving eggs. Young individuals are destroyed until they become sexually mature, ready to breed.
  2. If the colonies of bugs are huge, sprays are used to combat them. Preference is given to funds without a sharp choking odor. For self-processing, Get, Dobrohim Micro, is suitable.
  3. In settlements where poisonous bugs are not sold, folk remedies are used. They process dwellings repeatedly until they completely remove the blood-sucking insects.

When it is not possible to get the bugs on their own, they call specialists from pest control services.

Additional funds for the fight

Along with poison from parasites, traps and Velcro are used. Glues against bugs work excellently when insect movement routes are established.

It is impossible to get rid of bloodsuckers with the help of some additional means. They are effective when used in combination with aerosols, sprays and other poisons.

Approach competently to the choice of means and methods of fight against bugs. This will clear the home of parasites once and for all.

Poison from bugs

Many consider bugs to be a relic of the past, however, they still host many houses and apartments. Those who lived with bedbugs are well aware of the horror of this situation.

A night's sleep turns into a real test, because the bites of these parasites do not allow one to close his eyes for a minute. What can I say about healthy sound sleep! In addition, they also carry dangerous infections, because they interact with a person through the blood.

Bedbugs are very tenacious, so you should not wait until they leave on their own. They will not leave. Moreover, their population will increase day by day and very soon hordes of these malicious parasites will inhabit your house.

Now there are all kinds of means to combat bugs and among their diversity you can choose the most suitable.

Types of drugs:

  • Aerosols;
  • Gels;
  • Pencils and crayons;
  • Powders;
  • Liquids;
  • Traps.

The main advantage of aerosols is that they do not need preparation before use. They can be bought and immediately applied. The important thing is to shake and get started. However, this poison from bugs has high volatility and practically has no residual effect.

Gels, on the contrary, perfectly retain their residual effect for a long time. This is due to their fatty basis. With the help of gels, you can permanently get rid of bedbugs, or at least for a very long time.

Crayons and pencils are great for treating rooms that are not yet heavily populated by bugs or as a preventative measure. If there are a lot of bugs, then such means of controlling bugs are suitable only as an addition to more powerful drugs.

Powders are concentrated preparations for bedbugs, which are very effective both in aqueous solution and in powder form. They can be used in the spray gun, spraying the surface, or sprinkled with them skirting boards and crevices.

Liquids are the most convenient and optimal form of insecticides. Following the instructions, they must be diluted in a certain proportion and process the places of accumulation of bugs. The poison from bugs in the form of a liquid is applied to the surface with a spray or brush. As for the traps, they will not be able to ensure the complete elimination of bugs.

A trap, as an adhesive tape, for example, can serve as a barrier and protect a sofa or bed from parasites.

All preparations for bedbugs must have certificates of quality. This is an indispensable condition, allowing you to understand that the product really has all the declared properties, is effective against parasites and is safe for people and pets.

It is issued only to drugs that have undergone numerous tests and tests, as well as after registration at the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare. In the fight against bedbugs, as they say, all means are good.

From the independent use of crayons and aerosols to calling the pest control service, which professionally and quickly relieve problems with bedbugs.

It is important not to give up and tune in a stubborn struggle, as well as to observe safety measures, and using means of controlling bugs, use rubber gloves and a respirator.

Consumption rates
Consumption rates

Professional disinfectants: poison from bugs, poison from rats and mice, a remedy for mosquitoes, ticks and fleas

Destruction of bugs is not an easy task, because bugs, unlike other types of insects, are very tenacious, they can do without food and water for a whole year, this is a record time compared to the same cockroaches that can’t last a month without water.

And also bedbugs are not at all afraid of frosts, that is, all attempts to get rid of bedbugs using the freezing procedure of the room where the bedbugs are located are completely useless.

Many so-called firms (which are actually not firms) give a guarantee of up to two years, claiming that it is precisely such a period that you will not have bugs after processing the premises - you are deliberately deceived, since the longest duration of the action of a poisonous substance lasts no more than eight months.

This substance is called - "chlorpyrifos", this is the very component that plays a major role in the destruction of bugs, has such a long-lasting effect due to the fact that it does not have contact with external air, as it is enclosed in microcapsules.

It is they these microcapsules that allow for so long to maintain their lethal properties for the insect.

It is impossible to get rid of bugs forever only if there are many ways of penetrating your home through possible cracks, cracks in the ceiling, interpanel seams and joints.

The bug easily penetrates the smallest holes. And if your neighbors have bugs and your neighbors are not going to part with them, then you have a deplorable situation, which can be corrected only by periodically conducting disinsection treatments.

But if your housing is in good technological condition, then the 100% destruction of bugs is quite a real thing, even if all your neighbors are teeming with bugs around.

Vergus - microencapsulated insect repellent

The Vergus product is a professional preparation for bugs, fleas, cockroaches, ticks, flies, ants, wasps, moths and other insects. Means "Vergus" is odorless. The active toxic substance is enclosed in microcapsules, which are generated by the latest technology - in a centrifuge.

The new VERGUS microcapsule formula differs from obsolete liposome microcapsules, on the basis of which the bulk of microencapsulated disinfectants are still produced. Obsolete liposome microcapsules were originally developed for use in cosmetic and perfume production, as the main transport of substances through the pores of the skin.

Practice has shown that liposomes quickly decompose and lose their ability to retain toxic substances that infect insects for a long time. Thus, all funds created on the basis of liposomal microcapsules have a not long enough positive effect.

And, as a result, they lose their deadly ability for insects. In this regard, the question arose of creating a new shell for microcapsules. Gelatin compounds were used as the basis. Previously, it was impossible to obtain microcapsules from gelatin because of the viscosity of the walls of the capsules, which, sticking together, formed a single lump.

Now, modern technology for the creation of microcapsules allows you to generate a capsule shell from gelatin using special equipment operating on the principle of a centrifuge, where each microcapsule is coated with antic gluten at a great speed.

Means VERGUS - exerts its deadly effect within 10 months, from the day the solution is applied to the surface in enclosed spaces, and 3 months in open spaces. All other remedies for bedbugs and other insects, created on the basis of obsolete limosomal microcapsules, are 5 times less.

One more important fact should be taken into account, despite the high cost of the VERGUS preparation, the consumption of the drug is much less when compared in the proportions of the preparation of the working mixture with other drugs.

So for example: to treat a 2-room apartment from bugs with VERGUS, you will need half the amount of funds, that is, 1 liter of water / 15-20 ml. - VERGUS concentrate. Outdated, microencapsulated insect repellents require 1 liter of water / 30-40 ml to prepare a working mixture.

Tetrix - a remedy for bugs, fleas, ticks and mosquitoes

There are many different remedies for bedbugs, all of them are “universal”, that is, they are used to kill not only blood-sucking insects: bugs, fleas and ticks, but also to fight cockroaches, ants, flies, etc.

The effect of such funds in the destruction of bugs is far from always positive. TETRIX is only used to kill blood-sucking insects: bugs, fleas and ticks.

Tetrix is ​​a professional preparation for bugs, fleas, ticks and other blood-sucking insects. Since 2004, no analogue of Tetrix has been found.

The highest concentration of insecticaricidal components that make up the Tetrix preparation allows you to prepare a ready-to-use composition (diluted with water in various proportions) for almost any situation - be it a preventive treatment to suppress the invasion of insects in residential buildings, as well as for the complete destruction of bugs, fleas and ticks on objects strongly affected by insects - apartments, building trailers (change houses), dormitories, etc.

In its pure form, Tetrix is ​​in a concentrated state. To prepare the working mixture, to destroy the bugs, you need 30 ml. dilute means in 1 liter of water.

To destroy bugs in 2-3 rooms. apartment, you need 5-7 liters. working mixture, i.e. 150-200 ml. Tetrix products. Further, the resulting mixture must be sprayed or rubbed into all the beds available at the facility: beds, mattresses, sofas, etc.

Be sure to process all the seams, joints of joints of wooden structures, furniture, baseboards. The Tetrix tool allows you to prepare an emulsion with lethal force - increasing the concentration, so Tetrix copes with almost any task by 100%, which cannot be achieved with other budget drugs, costing up to 1,500 rubles. for 1 liter, since they are almost all - already diluted with nephras.

Dare - a remedy for bedbugs, fleas, cockroaches, ants, mosquitoes and wasps

Since February 19, 2014, the Smelnet drug was released in a new formula containing synthesized coagulants. In previous years, 2002-2011, the formula of the drug had obsolete coagulants, which were produced on the basis of serum gluten, that is, of plant or animal origin. From 2011 to 2013, production was suspended.

A big drawback of serum coagulants is that they can not hold a toxic substance for a long time. And this means that the smell of toxic substances will make itself felt, and even if not so much as with fast-acting drugs, such as Tetrix or Troapsil, but a slight smell is present.

All imported and domestic insect repellents, which are positioned as a “odorless remedy”, to one degree or another, nevertheless have a slight smell, as they are manufactured according to outdated proven technology using odor neutralizers: serum coagulant or microcapsules.

Read about the deficiencies of serum coagulant above.Microencapsulated insect repellents have another drawback. The task of microcapsules containing a poisonous substance inside them is to retain this substance without allowing it to evaporate a caustic suspension into the atmosphere, that is, not to vaporize.

In this case, the smell is minimized, but it should be borne in mind that microencapsulated insect repellents have a more inhibited effect, depending on the thickness of the capsule walls.

If we consider the most expensive odorless microencapsulated product VERGUS (Veriegus - France), then even there are slight odor indicators that are neutralized by mineral flavors.

Below is information relating only to professional services: DEZ, SES

Organoleptically, the value on the scale of R. X. Wright, on a 5-point scale, the Smelnet means has an indicator of 0, that is, like ordinary water, there is absolutely no smell. The number on the Jaglow device (gases and vapors released in the room) showed a value of +0.05 on a 10-point scale.

For comparison: Products based on serum coagulants have from +3 to +4.2 points according to Jaglow. Means based on microcapsules have from +1.6 to +3.7 points according to Jaglow.

As you can see, the odors of serum and microencapsulated drugs, although acceptable, according to generally accepted indicators, are still present. The product Smelnet 100% lack of smell.

The fight against bedbugs, cockroaches, the destruction of fleas, wasps, hornets, flies and other insects using the Smelnet tool will not cause you any discomfort.

Baufleks - a remedy for bugs, cockroaches, fleas and flies

BAUFLEXE is a water-soluble white powder. It is diluted with ordinary tap water at room temperature. It has an acute insectoacaricidal effect against: cockroaches, bugs, fleas, ants, wasps, moths, rat ticks, as well as adults and larvae of flies and mosquitoes.

Its main advantages: odorless, long shelf life, up to 5 years. The effectiveness of lethal effects on insects is up to 5 months. To prepare the 1st liter of the finished working emulsion, you need to add 20 g per 1 liter of water. Bauflexe Powder

At the moment of adding the powder - the water should be mixed until the complete disappearance of large and small fractions. To enhance the effect of any other concentrated liquid preparations, 10 g should be added per 1 liter of finished emulsion. Bauflexe Powder

The prepared solution is best sprayed with pump, electric or manual sprayers, depending on the object and the number of insects. The remaining solution is suitable for use within three days.

For detailed information on the use of the product, read the attached instructions. The contents of the bottle - 130 gr., Enough to prepare about 7 liters of the finished working solution. This volume is quite enough to get rid of cockroaches or destroy bugs on an area of ​​50 to 100 square meters.

Armosav - insect repellent powder - for prophylaxis

Armoseaw is a powder of natural origin. It is obtained from the bottom of the Pacific and North Atlantic oceans, in the form of keratinized fractions of sea corrals and mollusks. The material is crushed and dried at 700 ° C in gas rotor tube furnaces.

With this treatment, the natural shape of the shell is destroyed and the smallest particles with high porosity are formed. After such refining, the ARMOSAV preparation retains all silicic acid in it at an active level.

Designed for prevention and protection against insects. Calcium microneedles of ARMOSAV powder will force them to leave crawling insects - any room. ARMOSAV can treat pet rugs from fleas and other blood-sucking parasites.

Also, using this tool, you can comb the hair of cattle.In order to protect the room from the invasion of blood-sucking insects, which usually get inside on the hair of domestic animals - cats and dogs, you need to process all hidden cavities, under sleeping places, thresholds, rugs with a small amount of ARMOSAV powder.

In dormitories, where a lot of people live in a small area, you need to handle the storage area. The same thing needs to be done in construction trailers (change houses). Repeat treatment if necessary.

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  1. If someone managed to etch bugs - then you are lucky! We in a communal apartment than we didn’t poison, and ourselves, and SES called - all is useless.
    Only drastic measures were saved: they were etched by neighbors in the WHOLE HOUSE, and they completely renovated the room and sections — they torn off the floor, ceilings, wallpaper, and threw away all the upholstered furniture and things. Then they were gone. Before that, more than 2 years have been tormented ...

  2. With bugs to cope on their own is not realistic. They are worse than cockroaches. Harassment in one apartment or room will not lead to anything. It is advisable to find out the source of these parasites. Interrogate neighbors have bugs. And then contact the SES so that the processing is completely indoors or at home. Do not attempt to cope with the problem yourself. The effect will be zero. Indeed, many begin to use various folk remedies or buy poison on their own.
    It would be more correct to call a service, which within a few hours will relieve bugs for a long period or forever.

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