7 ways to deal with mice in a private house

Fighting mice in a private house
Fighting mice in a private house
Hello dear readers! They made a flight to Moscow and talked during a flight with a seatmate.

He started buying land a year ago and hired workers to build a house. As it came to interior decoration, one of the workers noticed that mice had appeared in the house.

The man is now in confusion: either start a cat to fight mice, or use mousetraps, or other means to destroy them.

What kind of fighting with mice in a private house is more effective, you can find out right here.

How to deal with mice?

If in the apartment you can somehow block up the voids and leaks, in a private house it is almost impossible to do this - the ubiquitous rodents will always find where to bite their own way. It is noticed that the moves usually appear in those places (I mean a tree, not iron), where there is already a sufficient gap.

Mice expand it until they can crawl through. For example, floor slots under the baseboard, between the ends of the floor boards and the wall. Where the joints are tight and there are no gaps at all or can be well smeared and sealed, most likely the mice will not bite anything. In short, these pests only expand existing cavities.

General tips

  • Firstly: I would not recommend using various home-made devices to destroy mice with electric current, as some “flayer” advise, if you do not want trouble. Electricity is dangerous not only for mice, but also for humans.
  • Secondly: there are much less dangerous drugs on sale, painless and more humane.
  • Thirdly: if you poison even all the mice in the house - this does not mean that they will disappear from your life forever. Sooner or later this problem will arise again, and there is nothing to be done. Life is a struggle.

It has been experimentally verified that glue for mice works quite effectively. True, far from always mice climb into the glue themselves - more often than not they cleverly evade this trick. Therefore, I smear glue on some cardboard cut off from the packing box, and put it in a narrow passage - for example, between the refrigerator and the wall, depriving rodents of maneuver.

Keep in mind that the glue after it is spread, gradually spreads, so do not smear the very edges, so as not to stain the floor or carpet. The name of the glue does not matter, in different places it is sold different. I’m in the market from a seller selling mouse poisons, just asking for glue for mice, the name doesn’t interest me.

I don’t buy grain poisons for a long time - they are apparently ineffective, or mice have developed immunity to them. Maybe I just came across edible - I don’t know. And using them is inconvenient and troublesome.

Previously, I bought poison in granules - it seems that the effect is not bad - it works. But lately I have been buying poison in gray transparent bags in which small bags of green pasta are packed. If the expiration date has not expired, this is the most effective poison not only for mice, but also for rats.

In addition, the bags are convenient in that they can be thrown into places where the hand does not crawl - and "eat for health." It is necessary to take into account that the poison for rodents is prepared in such a way that they do not die immediately, but after three or four days.

The fact is that the cunning “mouse gang” forces this poison to be tried first by the most frail or sick relatives, and maybe even objectionable. And only when they see that their “subject” got drunk and feels great at the same time, do the others begin to eat.

If the poison acted instantly, then the losses among your "offenders" would be minimal. So do not chase the mice with the mop the next day due to the fact that they do not die, despite the money you spent. Be patient. Victory will be yours.

Of course, mice can “swing their paws” in any inappropriate place, contrary to your wishes, sometimes you will not immediately find them. And one day my daughter showed me a mouse sitting near her desk. The mouse sat with its eyes closed and did not move, in the pose of "sorting out the excess."

I think that they go outside in search of water to rinse their stomach, just not to feed them, then to drink more ... Well, they themselves, of course, cannot pour themselves. In such cases, I do not hit or kick them on the head.

What am I, a beast or something. I take it with long metal tongs - and into the water, not only into the mug, but into the garbage can. At the same time, I reassure my conscience: they say, do not steal and violate the inviolability of my home.

I also read that rodents do not like ash - they have irritation on their legs from the ash, it probably becomes painful. Here are just the paws they would wipe about something else ... And so - they will pull the ashes around the house.

In the underground you can put a jar of gypsum mixed in half with flour, and separately a jar of water. After lunch, rodents will want to drink, and then they will have a surprise, you know which one. In such a situation, even laxatives will not help.

The mouse will not turn into a figurine, but a plaster print of its stomach can be obtained. I read that the scent of chamomile also scares off mice, but I have not tried it - I do not want to meet these nasty flowers. They do not like the smell of burnt rubber.

It is not necessary to accelerate at home by car and brake sharply. You can take pieces of rubber, light, smoke and then spread the smoked rubber in different places. Do not forget to put it out. I mean fire, or someone will start asking for a recipe.

I think this is enough for the first time. I do not want to advocate more sophisticated and barbaric methods, such as setting fire to the tail, guarding the mouse in a mousetrap and killing manually or chasing mice around the house with a sharp lance.

How to get rid of mice in a private house or apartment

Proven remedies for mice: cat, mousetrap, rat death, and ultrasonic repellers

How to get rid of mice in a private house or apartment
How to get rid of mice in a private house or apartment
Once my wife and daughter brought home a decorative mouse. As a result, all care for him fell on my fragile men's shoulders. But now we will talk about field mice - the scourge of private sector homes.

These little gray rodents are very different from their decorative counterparts, which can be picked up without disgust. A wild animal, eating incomprehensibly where, incomprehensibly and unclear what products of freshness, is a real danger to humans.

The mouse is a real carrier of infections. Of course, not as dangerous as, say, his oldest relative, the rat. All residents of private houses want to get rid of mice, and we will tell you how to do it.

Mice in city apartments

In the city there is such a utility service as “sanitation”. Sanitation workers are engaged in procedures for the destruction of objectionable pests for us, unwanted neighbors. With the help of pest control, cockroaches and other insects are destroyed.

Well, the destruction of rodents is called - deratization. I think many will be surprised, but the problem of mice in residential buildings concerns residents of urban apartments of multi-storey buildings.Often found in panel houses.

The reason is in the "crooked hands" of builders who blinded high-rise buildings in violation of all norms and standards, and the mice got whole labyrinths of passages between loosely fastened plates and the underground and the presence of poorly cleaned garbage chutes.

What we have, we have. Let’s better consider how to get rid of mice in a private house or city apartment, it doesn’t matter. And it is advisable to solve this problem once and for all. There are many ways. The human brain is inventive. I will share the options that I know, and you already choose those options that will be most convenient to implement.

Tom and Jerry

The classic option is to have a cat, and preferably a cat. Often cats are very lazy to catch mice. Cats on the contrary are very active. Some people advise tricolor cats to catch mice. But this method is not a panacea, and indeed it has a number of contraindications (like a medicine). The most significant - an allergy to fluff from the owner of the apartment.


Poison involves the use of rat poison or otherwise for rodents. Today, one of the most effective can be considered "Rat Death." Sold in packaging, packaged in small bags of about 3-5 grams. Actively eat both mice and rats. This is almost guaranteed to get rid of mice in the apartment.

Another recipe. You can "poison" without resorting to poison. To do this, you need to prepare a mixture of sugar, flour and gypsum in the proportions of 5/3/2. Add water and you get a delicious dish for gray guests. The main plus is that the mixture is safe for young children. Well, mice will get deadly constipation.


Mousetraps are considered a very effective tool, but I managed to catch a mouse in the apartment only once. The rest managed to eat around the bait. Even the thread with which I wrapped the cheese did not help. Now, on collective farm markets and in garden and vegetable shops, Chinese plastic mousetraps can be found for sale.

Kill on the spot. Many are very praised. Another original trap is a special adhesive tape, Velcro for catching flies.


We live in an era of high technology and today tools such as rodent repellents have already been developed and are actively used. They can be attributed to the most humane in comparison with the above. The principle of the repeller is the emission of ultrasonic waves that are not captured by the human ear.

Thus, it is safe for us, and acts on mice and rats as a very strong irritant, and in horror they leave the territory covered by such radiation. If you love animals and your hand does not rise on a living creature, then this method is unique for you.

You can install the device in any room (warehouse, cellar, apartment). The only minus of this method (for some it can become decisive) is the same inactive effect on domestic rodents: guinea pigs, decorative mice, hamsters, rats. Owners of dogs, cats and rabbits can not be afraid for their pets.

Historical fact

Everyone has heard of rats on ships. So, in the old days, sailors, I don’t know for fun, from boredom or for any other reason, got rid of rats in the following tricky way.

They put two rats caught in a barrel and left them there until one of them, a cannibal rat, survived in a deadly battle. Then this "mutant" was introduced by the insider into the camp to "his" and gradually interrupted the whole tribe.


If you have a strong voice and the gift of persuasion, then try to open the door and shout loudly in a commanding voice: “Mice, get out of my house!” They say that there have been times when this turned out to be the only true way. Those who encounter mice will never forget and confuse their fetid smell with anything. B-rr-r.

A way to deal with mice in the house and in the country

A way to deal with mice in the house and in the country
A way to deal with mice in the house and in the country
When autumn comes and many summer residents close the season and take their cats and cats to the city for “winter apartments”, field mice get a great chance to master your country house and equip your winter there.

Mice in your house are attracted not only by the possible food supply, but also simply by a warm place.

After all, even in an unheated house, the temperature is 10-15 degrees higher than on the street. And even any insulation - more than enough. And even if you don’t have any stocks of cereals and other mouse-favorite food there, you are unlikely to like heaps of mouse droppings, emanated blankets, gnawed seeds, etc. In general, mice must be fought.

One of the easiest and most affordable ways to catch mice is to use special glue (“ALT”, “Clean House”, etc.). Unlike a mousetrap, for example, a trap with glue can “accept” several mice at once. Yes, and mouse retention is more reliable.

There have been cases when the mouse crawls out of the skin in the literal sense of the word (at least from its own tail), but couldn’t come off. The glue never dries and remains operational in a tube for many years, and stickiness is already in place for many weeks until it is dusty or exposed to direct moisture.

Just a revolution in catching small rodents. But catching mice with glue has its own characteristics, which I want to talk about based on personal experience. Glue should be applied to some flat and hard object, preferably as smooth as possible.

The fact is that the mouse, stuck in glue, will naturally try to get out of it. If the glue is applied to something for which it can cling to the claws of its paws, it may come off. It is only the mouse that looks small and weak, and the specific strength of the muscles in it is an order of magnitude stronger than human ones.

A bad option is polystyrene foam pallets, for example. An even worse option is a material that absorbs glue, i.e. some kind of porous. For example - plywood, board, matter .... A good option is PET or other hard plastic.

I usually use all sorts of smooth plastic trays from under all kinds of food products. Here they are beyond competition in all respects, plus the fact that they retain the smell of food, which serves as an additional bait for mice.

Speaking of bait. Mice are not as stupid animals as they seem. They do not roam around the house aimlessly, but in general they "jackal" in search of food and a place where you can make a nest. Well, in search of food, they focus on food familiar to them.

And this is mainly - various plant seeds, cereals, dicotyledons, cotyledons, etc. Unfortunately, the stereotype of stupid cartoons that the best food for the mouse is cheese is firmly rooted in the minds of ordinary people.

Well, think for yourself what kind of cheese an ordinary Russian mouse can meet in the wild ?! Cheese for mice is a completely new and unknown food, it will think 100 times before throwing it at it, and then, except that it is gloomy with hunger.

How to get rid of mice

The best bait is one that is perfectly familiar to the mouse and does not cause any suspicion. Those. that of cereals, grain. And this is just bread! It is preferable cushioned that would smell from afar and containing some bran, grains, etc.

This is now full in bakeries. And to enhance its luring effect, it is better to flavor it with a few drops of sunflower or other oil. Of course unrefined, but with a smell. After all, it conveys the smell of ripe grain or seeds like nothing else.

And the craving for this smell is “sewn up” by the mouse on its mouse subcortex, at the genetic level. To this smell, the mouse sticks like Nazi Germans across the border in the 41st year - in a crowd and in full growth. I must say that in the process of finding the perfect bait, I came across sesame oil.

We do not grow sesame seeds, but it has such a strong “grain” and mouth-watering smell that the result exceeded all expectations. This oil is sold in small bottles and add it to salads or pastries literally drop by drop, it is so fragrant.

On mice, the "seed" smell of sesame oil acts simply hypnotically, like the magic pipe of Niels or the Hameln Pied Piper. During the experiments, two trays stood next to each other, both with identical slices of bread.

Only one was moistened with unrefined sunflower oil, and the second with sesame oil. So, 2-3 mice were stuffed into the sesame oil pan, and the “sunflower” one was ignored. Although in fairness it must be said that the mice climbed and a pan with sunflower oil, if there was no sesame seeds nearby.

Just this experiment showed me how much the smell of sesame seeds is preferred by mice to sunflower. After the "discovery" of this bait and the method of catching "glue", the struggle with mice turned into a routine. All the mice that were already “registered” with the vacant space after leaving the cat were resettled in a couple of days.

Traps, like fishing rods, had to be checked every hour to free them for the next comers. After a couple of days, there was a complete lull, no rustles or traces of mouse stay. And the rare "guest performers" stupidly stomp at the nearest trap where they are already waiting for their beloved "bigmak on a sesame bun".

The trap is simple. A little glue is squeezed onto the tray (like toothpaste on a brush, approximately). Evenly smeared with some sliver on a saucer. And in the center is a cube of bread moistened with a few drops of sesame oil. That's all.

Mice can get into this pallet as much as there can lie down. And you don’t have any “false positives” or miss, as in a mousetrap. If several mice are crammed into a pallet, it is easier, of course, to throw it out. And if one or two - it’s better to tear them off somehow (I use large tongs), and reuse the tray and bait.

How to breed mice

Getting rid of mice and how to bring them out on your own is the first question that arises when residents of an apartment or private house find traces of excrement and a characteristic mouse smell.

When mice appear in a house

When mice appear in a house
When mice appear in a house
Typically, mice appear in the house during the fall season, when the fields are harvested and it becomes cold.

Crowds of mice rush to cities and villages, thereby causing quite a bit of trouble for the majority of residents of private houses.

Along with the fact that mice are carriers of infectious diseases, they can also become a source of fleas or ticks that can enter the house with their arrival.

However, it sometimes happens that mice start up in apartments, especially if these are old buildings with wooden floors and shingled walls, where rodents can easily make their own moves, thereby destroying the wooden coating (see also what harm does the wooden structure of the house of a cough).

But residents of modern high-rise buildings are also not immune to the appearance of mice in apartments. Mice can get through the chute, ventilation shafts.

Mouse Control Methods

Among the methods of combating mice, it should be noted those that can be performed independently and those that require the involvement of specialists in the fight against rodents.


An old and effective way to fight rodents (mice, rats). It is necessary to buy one or more mousetraps and place them in the places where the moves or litter of mice were found. You will need a bait with a pronounced smell.

If you use bread, lard or sausage, then it is better to fry it so the bait will emit a smell more attractive to mice and the likelihood that rodents will fall into it higher.

Rodent Repellers

A very effective modern device for controlling rodents (mice, rats, moles) is electronic ultrasonic rodent repellers that operate at a frequency that causes various kinds of rodents to feel fear and from this rodents leave places where repellers are installed forever.

Effectively use rodent repellents in private homes, sheds, farms, poultry farms, vegetables or granaries.Rodent repellers can also be used to repel various domestic insects, insects (cockroaches, ants), it is enough to set the appropriate frequency.

You can buy rodent repellers in hardware or garden stores or in industrial markets. The average cost of rodent repellents ranges from 1,500 rubles (50-60 dollars).

Glue traps from rodents

Environmentally friendly and completely safe for people and animals glue traps for rodents and insects on a cardboard basis. The principle of action of glue traps is very simple, mice falling onto such a trap attracted by the bait literally stick to it and, due to strong glue, remain in the trap until a person finds them.

Distributed on sale are glue traps from rodents Liquidator, Clean House. You can also make a glue trap from rodents with your own hands, almost like a trap from cockroaches or ants, for this you should buy glue from rodents and insects “RaTrap” and apply it to any base from cardboard or paper and place it in the places where rodents appear.

Poison the mice

Another effective way to fight mice is to use a special bait treated with special chemicals. Very good poison from rodents “Rat death”, effective both against mice and against rats.

Usually these are poisonous grains of wheat or other crops, which should be laid out in the places where rodents appear. Also, the poison can be in the form of a powder that should be mixed with the bait.

However, this method of extermination of rodents has also negative sides. There is a chance that the mouse will die somewhere under the floor or in one of its moves in the wall and then an unpleasant smell in the house cannot be avoided. There is also the danger that your or neighboring cats may feast on a poisoned rodent.

Cats vs Mice

Cats vs Mice
Cats vs Mice
An equally effective and ancient method of combating mice is to get a cat or cat in the household.

As practice in a private house shows, in the presence of a household (pigs, chickens, geese, cows), cats cannot be dispensed with, which will become a serious threat to rodents that have appeared.

And as a rule, cats are more efficient than cats, they can catch up to 10 rodents of various sizes per day. Well, actually all the methods of fighting mice that can be used in everyday life.
If you know any other ways to destroy rodents, then write in the comments, we will be glad to supplement the article.

How to get rid of rats and mice in a private house?

Methods of rodent control in private housing construction.

How to get rid of rats and mice in a private house? If such a nuisance befalls your home, then do not despair, because these harmful rodents can be kicked out. There are various methods that will not allow rats and mice to feel like "masters", and quickly expel or destroy them.

Methods of rodent control in private housing construction

How to exterminate rats in a private house? A purposeful, comprehensive fight must be waged, not only with the help of proven means, but also with the help of specialists who are knowledgeable in this matter.

Where to start when getting rid of rats? In multi-room apartments, rodents appear less frequently than in private houses. But, if you were not lucky enough to find a gray pest in your apartment, immediately begin to bring the house in full order. Because, rats can appear in poor, unsanitary conditions.

Rodents get into apartments through sewers or garbage chutes. In some cases, animals make their way to homes through the toilet. You can not litter the rooms, do not leave dirty dishes in the sink, put food in the refrigerator, because you can get rid of pests only in an ideal order.

Inspect all rooms for holes in the walls. Any minor cracks immediately close. Ways to get rid of rats in the house.All existing methods of struggle can be divided into independent, folk, with the help of specialists and by means of ultrasonic radiation.

If only one rat is wound up in the house, then you can get rid of it with a trap. A rodent repeller will also help, but it’s more effective to kill the animal rather than drive it out. The destruction of rodents (mice and rats) in a private house.

Often in the homes of these rodents appear in early autumn, when it begins to gradually cool. At the same time, they start up entire families. There are many popular ways to get rid of rodents in the house. Using these methods, you can do without the use of poisons, which are extremely harmful to people.

Combine the gypsum and flour in equal proportions and leave a handful of the mixture next to a bowl of water. The rodent will eat the bait and be sure to drink it, after a while the gypsum will just freeze in the animal’s small stomach. Also, rats and mice can be driven out of private housing using ash, which is extremely unpleasant for animals.

How to drive rats out of the chicken coop? If the rodent invasion turned into a real problem, and they moved from home to the chicken coop, then you should seek professional help. Specialists will carry out the deratization of those rooms where you noticed gray animals.

Deratization is the destruction of pests using various means, both technical and chemical. In the case of chemical deratization, poisons are used that pollinate the breeding sites of rodents.

Experts know exactly which of the drugs can be used so that this does not affect the well-being of the residents and their pets. The problem of mice and rats is familiar to virtually any person; these rodents do incredible harm to both property and products.

To get rid of these small pests, people sometimes use any means and methods. The best option for preventing the appearance of animals in the house is the use of repellers.

The most common remedies for mice and rats are:

  • Ratid 1 anti-rat product sold in the form of granules (one package - forty granules). With the help of such a bait, you can very quickly get rid of unwanted guests in the house. It is possible to use "Ratid 1" in rooms of any types.
  • Effective tool "Goliath" fighting rodents in the house. It is sold in small containers, usually used by professional pest control. When using the drug, rodents begin to die only after eight to twelve days. The remaining animals at this time believe that the bait is completely safe, so they also eat it with pleasure. Two weeks later, there will be no hint of the presence of rats and mice in the house. Goliath is sold in packages of one, two, three, five and ten kilograms.

The most humane ways to get rid of mice and rats

ways to get rid of mice
ways to get rid of mice
Initially, I planned to write an article on how to protect the harvest from rats and mice.

Many of us know from our own experience that mice in the country are a real disaster.

And then she thought: a hot topic, especially in late autumn, when rodents from flocks and forests flock to human dwellings, looking for a place for a warm and well-fed wintering. Everyone is at risk - both the owners of their own houses in rural areas, and residents of urban high-rise buildings.

Mouse caught in a bottle

Mice and rats will not come with empty paws: the most dangerous thing is that they will bring a threat of infection. Leptospirosis, plague, rabies ... Unpleasant? And that’s not all! How do you like itch mites or helminths of wild rodents? Do you think it’s difficult to get infected? You are mistaken! It’s as simple as that even for adults, not to mention children.

The rodents constantly grow incisors, and they need to grind them, so they gnaw at everything they have to: wood, concrete, drywall, polyurethane foam, plastic, electrical wires and cables ... I don’t mention the food and the harvest in the bins.

In general, if there are rodents in the country, - get ready for a serious war. And the sooner you get rid of them, the better! A little digression.Fighting mice in the country is carried out in many ways. It's no secret that animal advocates react extremely negatively to the very possibility of destroying any living creature.

For them, I explain: this article is not a guide for the destruction of mice and rats in the conditions of their natural habitat. These are measures of forced protection for your home and your family. Personally, I have nothing against rats and mice, but only if they are not at my place.

I don’t go to their holes? So let them not come to my house! Here, excuse me, of the two evils I will choose the lesser. That's it, the preface is finished, we turn to practical advice. I must say right away: I didn’t take them from the Internet, I went to friends and neighbors, asked how to get the mice out of the country, so here is information verified in practice.

Sounds and smells in the fight against rodents

Let's start with the "light artillery" - scare. Rodents are afraid of loud noises, unpleasant smells and tastes.

From personal experience: in a city apartment, a mouse from under the floor tried to gnaw through wooden boards. The weapon of defense is slippers. During the selfless gnawing of wood, a cotton sole with a slipper on the floor invariably led her to flight.

It would have been possible to bang with something more weighty, but in the house there were children, and I preferred to bite the mouse at night ... True, I was on guard for 3-4 nights: as soon as I hear that I’m gnawing, I sneak up right behind the slippers (be sure to sneak up on them, very sensitive hearing!), and hit the floor with a slipper!

Silence for 4-5 hours is guaranteed. For several nights I didn’t get enough sleep, but the mouse was gone! I don’t know, maybe I got a shy mouse, but it was just that. Friends installed an old music center in the cellar. Turned on at full power 3-4 times a day for 10 minutes. In 2 days the rodents died!

A neighbor in the barn had an old washing machine. She placed a metal basin with spoons and forks on it and turned on the spin. He assures that after the third session of sound therapy the mice escaped - all to one. Indeed, there is no mouse smell in her barn, the crop is safe and sound.

Loud sounds are an excellent remedy for mice in the country! Everything about sound exposure is no longer a proven experience, so I turn to smells.

Peppermint Oil

With this tool they were saved from mice in the Great Patriotic War, only then they took not the oil, but the plant itself. Take a cloth, generously pour peppermint oil on it (sold in pharmacies), push the cloth deeper into the hole. If the smell is unpleasant to you, block the entrance to the hole with mounting foam, cement mortar, alabaster. Rodents go away, checked!

My friend had a bottle of perfume "Red Moscow" in 1975 - instead of oil, she used them, rodents also ran away! There is positive experience this year in scaring away rodents with elderberries. Use black, red or grass elderberry.

Neighbors uprooted a huge old elderberry bush. Branches and roots were chopped and spread over the entire floor, drawers, shelves in the basement where the harvested agricultural products are stored (using elderberries, remember that all its parts are poisonous, you should not lay them directly on food). We were convinced: the fight against rodents in the country with the help of elderberries is one of the simplest and most reliable options.

And let's catch them

Catching mice
Catching mice
Part two - trapping. We will not talk about cats, dogs, ferrets, weasels and other animals that hunt mice: everyone knows about them, and if desired, everyone can get any of these pets.

Now I will tell you how to catch a mouse without causing it the slightest harm, without much trouble and without material costs. I have been using this method for more than one year, he has proven himself to capture mice anywhere, including in a car.

Take a glass bottle, 0.5 or 0.7 l, pour a little sunflower oil inside (2-3 tbsp), cover the neck with your finger or a napkin and shake the bottle like a shaker to oil its entire inside.

Oil is needed from the market, or rather, from the oil mill, it smells like a mouse smells it a mile away.For fidelity, you can throw bait into the bottle: a piece of bacon, sunflower seeds, cheese, sausage - whatever you want. I never throw anything, catch oil! Better yet, take a beer bottle and not wash it!

Trap bottle

Mice love the smell of beer, I don’t know why) Put the bottle down, arrange a small step near the neck, put improvised stoppers on the sides and that’s all. If you have mice in your house, in the morning they will be there in the bottle.

Let not all at once, but catch, definitely! They will not be able to get out, they will glide over the oiled glass surface, it has been checked repeatedly! Having tried this method in practice, you will never want to use poisons, glue or mousetraps!

A mousetrap-bottle does not harm the environment, it gives you the opportunity to sleep peacefully until the morning, without jumping up after another clap of a regular trap, you protect your nervous system from the terrible pictures of victims of poison, glue, mousetraps (and you will have to remove dead rodents!).

Try a bottle trap, this is a reliable protection against mice in the country, you will often remember my advice with a kind word, believe me!

What about rats?

So, everything is clear with the mice, go to the rats. The rat is an amazingly clever, cunning, cautious animal. If you could not beat her off with loud sounds and unpleasant odors, you will have to go to extreme measures, because the rat will not crawl into an ordinary bottle.

However, if you have a large glass bottle, it is worth a try! I just don’t have such a bottle, so I can’t say anything about whether this method will work with a rat. In our village many people keep pets, and their presence, like the place of food storage, attracts rats like a magnet.

In search of reliable information, she went around all the friends, neighbors, friends. Unfortunately, no one suggested me the humane method of catching rats. I chose two - the least terrible in comparison with the others, but 100% effective. For the first, you need a piece of rat carcass.

Ask her the Pied Piper owner. Cats that hunt rats never eat their entire prey, some are brought to the threshold like a trophy. Put this trophy on a shovel, pour alcohol (not gasoline, not kerosene - only alcohol!) And set it on fire.

Walk with a shovel throughout the territory on which rats encroach. From that moment on, they will not be there for at least a year, not one. Or use the RAT Killer YUTEC rat trap. I will not describe the principle of work, the network has enough information about it, but I note that it works very effectively.

I sincerely hope that mice and rats will bypass your house, and the tips from this article will never come in handy! But, if they come, you know what to do.

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  1. All methods, by the way, are very, very cool, I personally liked everything, I think here in the summer at my dacha I can try them, in order to finally get rid of all the mice there, but I got it, I just can’t find the normal words as much, so I hope to get rid of it)

  2. You don’t have to poison yourself with all kinds of chemistry. Get a cat, and better than a few! I’m saving homeless cats. They work out their contents. There are no mice, and if there is any, I’ll drag me to the veranda that I’ve killed immediately. Private house should be only a cat, not chemistry!

  3. In the fight against mice, all methods are good. I live in a private house and have to struggle with mice. Especially to the cold. Rodents run into the heat. I got two cats, I put mousetraps. In non-residential premises I poisoned people. Recently I bought an ultrasonic rodent repeller. Mice disappeared from houses.

  4. We got mice in our house. And that’s why they didn’t poison and set mousetraps. There was simply no escape from them. They spoiled food, books, clothes, furniture, and everything in the house. And they got a good cat, and what you think after a couple of weeks from the mice and the sound was not heard. That's what I understand means!

  5. I prefer to use, as the author said, humane methods of struggle, no matter how but all the same I feel sorry for the animals. You can still try all sorts of deterrents, devices, such as Tornadoes, etc., though I don’t know what they are.

  6. The poisoned mouse loses its strength and hides in one of the previously done moves. Then 2 processes begin - decomposition with a smell and drying. If she remains in an accessible place for the cat, then the cat can seriously suffer. A simple, non-poisonous bait for a cat is salted pancakes. Cook in a frying pan from thick dough flour, salt and baking soda in a ratio by volume of 20: 2: 1. Pieces can be shoved in any place. In warm time, close the drinking water tightly, leave the mice an open container, 10-20 cm high, half filled with water. In the winter, the mouse leaves the snow and does not return. Have a good hunting!

  7. I don’t understand how to cope with these creatures ?! they already got it somehow somehow they climb onto the table and are not even afraid of people, I have 6 cats and even this does not help because only one of the cats catches mice. and they attack even with a person. I killed one mouse with my hands, the rest is brought by a cat. but there are also some methods for sure ... I’m ready to split the mice and cut them into pieces because they are pissed parasites that eat such food, even from a cat’s bowl! I would have killed them all in the most lively ways in order to avenge their leprosy. how I hate them !!! and all sorts of poisons make it even worse, the mice will eat this heresy and die under the floor or in the wall and will decompose ... a couple of times this already happened ...

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